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And I'm supposed to have sympathy for the idiots?

Autor:  Velineyvra
It's almost 01.00. I'm stitting at the computer because I can't sleep. 
And I can sleep because all of the bank employees in Norway are threathening with a strike. 

Now, normally, this wouldn't bother me. I can get by either way. However. My lovely friend, who I was supposed to meet tomorrow (or rather, today), will get stuck on the other side of the fjord, should this happen, due to payment troubles. 

I have looked forwards to this for so long, you idiots! Meeting both my two best friends at once. This is what makes my life worth living! The meaning of life, or as close as I can get.  And you choose TODAY to (threaten to)  strike! And what for? 

You have some of the cushiest jobs ever, goddamnit! You don't even HAVE to disable all the systems, they would work perfectly if you just chose a smaller strike. But noooo, here we have people who get three times my pay in a month who sees it fit to complain and complain, blah blah blah, feel sorry for us! 

Nope. No way. Burn in HELL.
Which is what I will say, should I meet someone from a bank on strike, if it happens. 

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