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Riot in Johto



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A Qestion of Morality


Okay, hat jetzt gedauert, ich weiß. Ist aber auch ein kleines, quantitatives Monster gworden! (für mich zumindest.) Habt Spaß!


A nice and comfortable warmth filled the young trainer, as she drifted in a state between sleeping and waking up. No thoughts were on her mind, no pain, nothing that would disturb that moment of peace. Instead, a dull numbness prevented her limbs from any movement, raising a thick haze in her felt as relaxed and light-hearted as she hadn't in ages.

Gladly, she would have stayed in that position for hours, far away from any problems life had in store for her. But rarely such moment lasted for more than a few minutes and soon Dawn found herself back in reality. At first, she only noticed a drumming in her right ear - faint, but unusually quickly. Too tired, to worry about the source of the noise, she let the steady rhythm lull her even deeper into her trance.

If it hadn't been for the bothersome poking in her ribs, maybe she would have found her way back into sleep. Persisting as it was, it wouldn't stop, even as she showed her discomfort with a low groan. In fact, that noise just reinforced the nudges; the intervals became shorter, the pressure stronger until they began to hurt.

Despite her usual mental efforts, Dawn couldn't shake of the annoying sensation. How much she disliked those frequent morning rituals! A minute passed by, then another and before the wrinkles on her forehead became permanent, she finally snapped. "Piplup!" She chided her partner usually responsible for the annoyance and tried to swat away its flippers - a rather complicated task, since her arm was stuck between her body and the soft surface beneath her. Her fingers grazed Piplup's smooth skin and as anticipated, the nudges stopped at least for the moment. As Usual.

It happened afterwards, the unfamiliarity that plunged her back into a state of electrifying tension. Instead of the soft surface of a mattress, she felt shards of shale scratching her palm. She froze in her movement. What would a material like that do in her bed? She brushed her hand once more over the pile and again, there was the light noise of probably tiles moving over each other.

"What the..?" Dawn mumbled, her body already tensed and on alert. She wanted to look at the material beneath her hand, yet she couldn't. A vast, complete darkness was all, her eyes were able to make out. Not even the slightest trace of a light was visible. And then Dawn remembered. That she wasn't in her room - that she never went there the first place. Not after the promotion Team Rocket caused on top of the Bell Tower. Not after the intense fight, after the pain, the burning inferno beneath her.

The young trainer grew hot and cold, her insides clenched into a tight lump. What was the soft, flexible surface she was lying on? The answer was both obvious and shocking; a human body. And regarding the disasters that occurred on the roof, her agitated mind jumped to only one logical conclusion: Dead. Dead!

Immediately, Dawn was awake and shot up from her position. But there was no escape. A pair of cold arms was wrapped firmly around her waist, preventing any movement. They wouldn't budge, no matter how much the girl struggled.

She shivered violently, as a wave of nausea rose in her throat. Barely, she was able to keep herself propped up, as far away from the body beneath her as possible. Although she just saw darkness anyway, Dawn squeezed her eyes shut. To make things worse, she finally began to smell all kinds of unpleasant scents. Sweat stung her nose, but not as badly as the suffocative ashes she inhaled abruptly after a deep breath.

Now it was the coughing that shook her body, until her arms gave in under her own, suddenly unbearable weight. She landed face first between two bulges and that time she stayed there, despite the nasty smell of burnt substances the body emitted.

It took Dawn some time, to calm down her agitated mind, but after a while she realized that the cozy warmth she had enjoyed so much came from the body. Quite unusual for a cold corpse. And then there was the drumming noise; unmistakably the heartbeat of a living creature. A bit too fast, though.

After her breathing had slowed down to its normal pace, Dawn even recognized the person, she lay on. A realization that brought no joy at all. She didn't even need her good understanding of human anatomy that came with her countless sketches and designs of cloths, to know, where her face was positioned. And since there was only one female among all those Team Rocket members, Dawn could pin point the identity to exactly one individual.

A light groan escaped her lips, making her realize, how dry her mouth was.

"Piplu pi piplup!" The water type exclaimed on her right side; urgency was evident in its voice. It didn't pull her arm, but that would soon follow, if she didn't rise within the next few seconds.

That time much slower and in complete control over herself, Dawn squeezed herself out of Hunter J's grip. The second she left the warm embrace, she wished to return. Her efforts to escape caused some nasty side effects; As soon as she overcame the resistance, she fell backwards, right into a pile of hard, stinging rubble. The sudden pain, especially in her left hip, drove tears into her eyes and she jumped up again.

And then there was the unexpected cold, sending goose bumps up her exposed arms and legs. Together with the darkness, those surroundings created the most fitting place for hugs with the enemy.

Before she could react, an overjoyed Pipiup collided with her stomach and pressed the air out of her lungs for a moment. Intuitively; Dawn caught her water type and held it close, although the impact had caused her more pain, than expected. Her hip ached, a reminder of Druddigon's dragontail. Yet not as bad as it should have been. It felt like a miracle that her bones were still intact after such an attack. Also her hand, first cut than burnt, throbbed constantly, yet bearable. Most of her body felt sore with all the bruises from falling, hits, Arbok's attempt to struggle her - not as devastating, however, as it should have been the case. Whatever the reason was for such quick regeneration, Dawn felt extremely grateful.

She tried to look at Piplup in her arms, yet saw nothing but darkness. A frown crept on her face, as she searched her pockets. Before her ascend of the Bell Tower, Dawn had packed a bag, full of helpful items; various potions, status heal devices and a torch. And the flashlight was still there, tucked behind her belt. Her little bad, though, wasn't. She had no idea, when she had lost it - probably during her unconsciousness - but that didn't matter. The loss drove her mad anyways.

The torch itself didn't react immediately. Nervousness already began to build up inside her, but after her probably tenth attempt, the device flickered and a relieving beam of light cut through the darkness.

A huge weight fell of her shoulders. Dawn didn't mind darkness, even the complete version found in deep caves. She had been a trainer for long enough, to get used to it. The thought, however, of staying without any sight for an unknown amount of time, was terrifying.

Before anything else, Dawn focused her attention on Piplup. The watertype beamed at her, happy to finally see her. And expect of some minor scratches, it seemed just as healthy, as the expression on its face. A sigh of relief escaped her lips. At least for now, her partner didn't need any medicine.

Next was just a brief look at her own body. The skin around her hip was colored in all shades of blue, purple and red; she had a nice look at the wound, since her shirt had been ripped due to Druddigon's Rough Skin. Dawn was glad, she had chosen an old top for the battle. The bandages of her hand were entirely gone. Black scabcovered her palm, especially in the middle, where the wound was located. But despite their looks, her injuries were bearable. In fact, there was so little pain that it made Dawn feel uneasy.

Carefully, she helped Piplup climb her shoulder. Then her hand stroked over the smooth surfaces of her pokeballs. They vibrated faintly and radiated some warmth; a good sign. It meant, none of her partners was greatly injured or suffered from any other status effect. Dawn wanted to check for sure, though and took out Ninetales pokeball first. The capsule reflected the light of the torch, apart from some smudged spots. If it wasn't for sparks jolting around the device, she would have remained perfectly calm.

"Oh no..." Dawn breathed and was very reluctant to push the white button in the middle. Nothing happened. No popping sound, no flash of light. No Ninetales. The pokeball was broken, as well as the other ones hanging from her belt. At least none of them showed signs of great sufferings, but the frustration was still there, spoiling her mood.

She shook her head, in an attempt to refocus her attention. Although she felt like abandoning her pokemon, there was nothing she could change at the moment. It was better, advancing towards an exit. Dawn had already noticed that the floor was covered with something - and now she knew, she guessed right. A sea of tiles and pieces of wood covered the ground. Most of them were broken and black from the ashes, which still floated through the air. Breathing was close to impossible; it resulted in coughs that shook her whole body.

The place itself looked like a cave. Since there hadn't been any similar place in the Bell Tower, she guessed that they had landed in a hidden basement. The ceiling was blocked with probably tons of wood; there were pillars, walls and remains of the floor about five meters away. Burnt and black. Dawn gulped. How fortunate that the mass didn't bury them underneath.

Shadows danced sinisterly over the walls, as the young trainer moved the beam of light across the cave. She suppressed a shudder and directed her attention towards a most saddening sight. The altar on top of the Bell Tower, an awe-inspiring monument created with pure gold, sagged towards the wall at Dawn's left. Although she had only little time to admire the structure during the battle, she could remember the reflections of the flames. No more of that beauty was left. The materials looked dull in the cold atmosphere, even the metal lost its brilliance. Most of the bells had fallen of their attachments and were scattered around the altar. A sea of shards surrounded the whole area, ready to pierce anything falling on top of them.

The sight awoke the heavy feeling of loss and regret washed over Dawn. She felt responsible for that mess. She could have prevented it, she should have fought harder for it. It had been her task to protect the place as well as Ho-Oh. That moment, she couldn't even guarantee the wellbeing of the legendary.

Ignoring the ashes that flooded her lungs, Dawn took in a deep breath. The horrible feeling of failure had to wait, she decided. There was another, more urgent business, she had to attend to. Though she would have been glad, to stall that a little longer.

Pokemon Hunter J. Dawn let the light rest on the woman for a moment, before she carefully approached her. While the young girl already felt battered, dirty and simply miserable, J managed to surpass her by far. Her legs, arms and part of her upper body were covered by a thick layer of ashes. Especially her face, where those burned substances and sweat created a smeary mixture. Nonetheless, Dawn still had a good view at the tension cramping her muscles, which shook slightly. J's arms were still crossed as they probably were, when she held the girl in her grip.

Another unwelcome emotion found its way into Dawn's mind. Bitter guilt. Considering the position she woke up in, she could imagine, what had happened. And while she was grateful to remain in the land of living, she couldn't suppress the anger dwelling within her. Why, just why did she end up in a situation, where J had to save her again? After all, that was not the way people usually try to convince others of their independence!

Deeply annoyed by herself, Dawn shook her head and blinked the tears of frustration out of her eyes. When she was next to J's head, she knelt beside the woman, careful not to touch her. Her hip ached slightly at the movement and it was unavoidable that some tiles scratched her legs in the process.

J appeared to be in pain. Or suffering a nightmare, Dawn wasn't sure. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her eyes squeezed shut. A drop of sweat slid down her temple and dragged even more ashes with it. Out of intuition, Dawn reached out and gently wiped it away. The skin was burning in an alarmingly high fever. In addition to that, J's breathing was shallow and seemed to make a lot of effort. Dawn didn't have any kind of high degree at medication, except of a first aid certificate. Yet it wasn't hard to guess, that the silver haired huntress was in a bad condition. Probably life threatening.

The horrifying thought crept into her mind, that J shouldn't even be alive anymore. That they both should have died the moment they met the ground. It was impossible to comprehend, why they had survived it. After all, there were no trace of Salamence. Or any other pokemon in the cave. Piplup had been just as powerless as Dawn was, after the critical hit of Guillotine.

As her hand touched the ground, she felt a sticky liquid at the tips of her fingers. Half dried, coppery colored blood had gathered around J's head. Due to the light and the weak contrast to the ground, Dawn had failed to notice it at first. But there it was and regarding the amount, the source had to be a massive laceration.

And Dawn had no bandages, to attend to it. She couldn't even throw a look at the wound; any attempt to move J's head caused a blinding stab in the skull that made one's insides clench. The huntress moaned in a low voice, her eyelids twitching. Good news for Dawn, since that meant, J was just asleep and probably not in a critical state. She wouldn't have to abandon her on her way out, if she was able to wake her up.

Tenderly at first, Dawn shook her left shoulder. More low moans, but otherwise no reaction yet. Another try, that time stronger. Only when Dawn reinforced her grip with another hand, there was a reaction. The world was turned around strikingly fast.

Sharp tiles on the floor dug in her back. Breathing became impossible - strong hands were wrapped around her throat. A pair of eyes pierced her soul. J had woken up. With enough wrath to rip Dawn apart. There was no escape, she couldn't even resist the sudden assault. It happened too fast, she didn't comprehend, that the lack of air would kill her. But she felt it; terrifying fear. Not because of suffocating death's grasp. It was the malicious look in J's hard eyes. The blood thirst, the vengeance.

As quickly as the attack had begun, it ended. Lacking the strength after her awakening, the huntress simply collapsed on top of Dawn. The grip weakened, than vanished completely, until only J's considerable weight lasted on her.

Ashy air rushed into Dawn's lungs, throwing her into a fit of coughing. Her body itched to jerk, yet she tensed her muscles, too afraid to make unnecessary movement. Endless seconds passed, before finally, J pushed herself up. Her head was hovering right above Dawn's face, her eyes wandering around quite unfocused. It was obvious that the huntress was still dazed. "Dawn?" She asked with a hoarse voice.

Dawn had still problems with her breathing, mainly because she didn't let herself take in the highly needed air. The beam of the flashlight had wandered on, but J still saw the slight nod, the young trainer gave her. "Yeah..." Dawn finally coughed and received a sigh as a reply. A sigh that sounded strangely relieved.

"Pip LUP!" The water type shouted fiercely. A bright white glow was the only indication of the following attack. J had barely time to push herself away, as a strong gust brushed past Dawn. The weight of J's body left her and now Dawn couldn't hold back the coughs. Yet the assault wasn't over. Piplup had missed once - it wasn't its style to stop without another try.

It was a matter of seconds, before it would launch the Brick Break attack, but Dawn managed to pull herself up and lunge between J and her partner. This time, the tiles scratched her already injured hand, and while she had to wince, she remained in her kneeling position.

Piplup put up a ruckus, pointing behind Dawn with a still glowing wing. As its trainer showed no sign of budging, it tried to sprint past her. She had to use both hands, to stop the penguin. It wasn't like she couldn't understand its feelings; it was furious at the harm done to its friend. Probably also, because it had waited too long, to show the huntress its feelings. On the other hand, it had been that J, who had most likely saved both of them. Who was suffering from a head injury.

Dawn couldn't help but focus on those actions, instead of her past as a ruthless criminal. "Piplup, calm down, CALM down please!" The trainer shouted and held Piplup arms length away, so that it had a clear view of her eyes. She tried to show it a pleading look. If it could just wait for a couple of hours, better even days! As long as it took Dawn, to come back to her senses.

To her relieve, Piplup soon ended its Brick Break attack, took a step back and crossed its flippers. It would cooperate with Dawn's wish, as long as J stayed nice. Dawn knew, she was tiptoeing on a slippery bubble, but that was enough for now. Taking another deep breath of ashes, she turned around and tried to look at J. A hard task without light, so she quickly grabbed the torch that lie between splintered pieces of wood.

Hastily, she directed the light towards J. "How are -" Her words were silenced by an irritated groan as the huntress held up her arm to shield herself from the brightness.

"Stop that!" J growled angered. Feeling an uncharacteristically strong sense of guilt, Dawn lowered the torch. Before she could apologize, though, J already barked an answer. "I'm fine!"

"And that's complete and utter denial," Dawn deadpanned, not in the mood for another argument, at least not if the matter was so obvious. She didn't even had to look at the wound. J had her right hand pressed firmly against the back of her head. Yet, the coppery blood, which had soaked her flattened hair, was well visible. Not to mention the expression on her face: pained, but at the same time strained to hide her agony. Clearly the sight of a woman, who didn't know when to give up. It annoyed Dawn deeply.

"Shut up," J breathed weakly and took a look around. Her frown deepened. "The Tin Tower has a basement?"

"That's my question," Dawn replied, noticing the older name J gave the tower. "What happened? Did Ho-Oh escape?"

J focused her attention on Dawn, took in her sight for a moment - then snorted. A movement that caused her fresh dizziness and nausea. Dawn couldn't say, she pitied her too much. "No idea about Ho-Oh. But I had to save you. For the third time. Guess the gym leader made a good investment."

Despite the guilt and the heavy thought, that she owed J her life, Dawn felt burning anger rise. She did her best to drown that unwelcome emotion with another lungful of ashes.

"What the hell were you doing?" J asked her another question. Dawn could only blink at her, not understanding a word. "What the hell were you doing, touching me?"

The girl was getting more and more confused. What the hell was the delirious woman talking about? She watched her rising her arm and rub the spot on her chest, where Dawn had shook her in an attempt to wake her up. To her bewilderment, an idea formed in her mind, what J meant. "I didn't touch you! How did you even get this ridiculous idea?!"

Instead of words, J used her piercing glare to intimidate Dawn. It didn't turn out the way it ought too, though, since she was still too shaken. Dawn decided to change the topic. "Can you stand up? Or even better, can you get Salamence and fly us out?" The girl didn't think of the threat, J would pose with her pokemon. Why should she attack someone, she risked her life for?

J shot her another glare, than fiddled in her pockets. Her luck with pokeballs wasn't any better, though. In fact, Dawn's were only disabled, but otherwise intact. J on the other hand, held a most broken pokeball against the light. Cracks were covering both halves like spider webs and had little sparks flying between the gaps.

"Damnit," the huntress exclaimed with a sour look. Then, as if it was all Dawn's fault, she spat, "I hope that answers your question."

"No one told you to dive after me," Dawn couldn't stop herself from muttering that under her breath.

"At least you don't do it. Perfect, protecting a suicidal girl that tries to bite back. Now, these are job prospects to enjoy," J sighed resigningly and suddenly, Dawn wasn't too sure, whether she was still referring to Morty or not. But one fact was sure, something had to be done. Sitting around, arguing only resulted in torturing strife.

"I'm not suicidal!" Dawn told the huntress and pushed herself up into a standing position. Her hip gave little signals of discomfort, otherwise remained silent. "In fact, I will find us a way out and get you to a doctor." She thought about the attitude of the local Nurse Joy and couldn't help, but smirk. "She'll love listening to your complaints."

Since the light was directed towards the nearest wall and no longer on the huntress, Dawn only heard the murmured "What ever...". Determined and cautious, she made her first steps through the mess. It was horrible, almost worse than climbing a sand dune. The tiles were sliding over each other, causing abominable screeching. At first, Dawn had to halt after every step, as her insides clenched at the noise. It took her a lot of will power to maintain a steady pace. And then was the problem of finding proper foothold. The ground was so indulgent, she had to fight for balance.

When Dawn eventually reached the wall, she leant towards it, grateful for the support. It was only a matter of minutes afterwards, finding an exit. And there seemed to be one; a narrow hole, which led further into unknown darkness. Not the most tempting way to possible freedom, but an option. The only option they had, Dawn found out after a quick check.

The girl was already on her way back, when J called out to her. "Aren't you forgetting a corner?" She asked and emphasized her words by pointing behind her. Dawn knew exactly what she meant, yet couldn't bring herself to go there. The sorrow was too much to bear. Even the thought of mentioning it paralyzed her voice. So she shook her head in a manner that usually told people, it was pointless. Usually, at least.

"That's insufficient work; I wouldn't keep you on my pay roll, if I wasn't forced to," J stated out darkly. Piplup shot her a glare from the side. It had stayed at her side, to watch every move, the huntress made. Dawn however, tried to show as little reaction with her expression, as possible. In spite of the fact that nothing in the world seemed worse than being paid by a pokemon hunter - although the wages probably wouldn't be too bad - Dawn couldn't deny the truth of her statement. Though her choice of words had an odd ring to it. She just couldn't put her finger on it.

"I really don't think there is something over there; if I'm wrong, then we wouldn't have any access to it anyways. I'm sure its buried deeply," Dawn tried to explain herself, without going into detail.

"And you know that, because? Intuition, perhaps? Or you're just hoping for the first choice to be right?" The mockery stressed Dawn's nerves greatly, yet a look at J's bloody hand reminded her to keep patient.

She directed the torch towards the back. Once again, the bells of the altar reflected the light dimly, as if they resigned to their tarnished fate. She felt her heart sink, though she wouldn't back down. "If you really want to search over there... behind the shards and tons of broken gold, we were supposed to protect." The bitterness of her voice formed a thick lump in her throat; she was almost afraid that she would never be able to swallow it. Feelings, J didn't share. She fixed a surprisingly sharp glare at the girl. A glare that meant business.

"Our mission was about Ho-Oh, not about the tower or anything else," J hissed. It couldn't have been more obvious. Dawn pressed out a short laugh and shook her head in disapproval. How narrow was J's sight? Or rather, how far could she narrow it, in order to conceal her failure? And actually believe it?

"And what part of your mission to capture Gardevoir involved Pikachu? Or Meowth? And how come something as important as this-" Dawn helplessly pointed at the scenery in front of them, "is no longer part of our - your mission?"

The emotional echo of her words hung heavily in the silence that followed. If she hadn't already been filled with all sort of sensations, Dawn would have been surprised at the lack of response. Having no better place to stare at, she focused on J's hand.

Enough of the lecture, she figured. It was wasted anyways. "I won't mind, if you keep believing, you did a good job. But I'm not satisfied with it. So please, don't ask of me, to just swallow it. Because I can't."

Another silence followed, in which both pondered about their own thoughts. Dawn couldn't believe the irony, she faced. There she stood before Pokemon Hunter J, her worst enemy, who she owed gratitude for her life - and lectured her. Her head was spinning, as she tried to make up her mind, how she should act. Was it even possible, to combine hostility and kindness successfully? Dawn quickly grew tired of that confusion.

She watched J clenching her hand into a fist several times. The huntress must have come to a decision, as she relaxed her muscles with a heavy sigh. "You're worse than police officers," J muttered and at that point Dawn was unable to hold back a dry chuckle.

"I know, I know, that's not the way I show gratefulness towards the person, who saved my life." Yet she didn't thank her. Those words had been so much easier at the Ilex Forest, when their cooperation had been a once in a lifetime experience, Dawn couldn't avoid. Against all reason, Dawn wished, J hadn't saved her. That she wasn't stuck in such a situation.

She offered J her hand and smiled weakly. An attempt to break the ice.

"Don't bother," J hissed between her clenched teeth and pushed herself upwards. Her body shivered, struggling with the hard task of standing up. When she was finally balancing on between the debris, she directed her eyes towards the spot, where Dawn had found the possible exit. "If this will turn out as the wrong choice, don't expect any mercy from me."

Dawn wanted to roll her eyes at J's overly independent and 'merciless' attitude. But then the huntress added something surprisingly calming. "I don't know how about you, but ending up brain dead in some dark cave does not sound tempting."

It had never been easier, relating to J's words.

Their journey over tiles was tiring and took a lot of time. As expected, J did not reject her pride, thus struggling on her own with every step. But eventually, against all odds, they made it to the wall and Dawn was quick to squeeze herself through the hole. While it was possible to stay upright, Dawn had to bend her spine backwards. Various edges bumped her head, making her feel anxious about J. She didn't want her to be stuck.

When she reached the other side, she didn't call for J immediately. It seemed more reasonable, to check out the way ahead first. The beam of light wasn't enough to reach a wall in the back, which could have been a good sign, that the path was leading somewhere further. Further into a dead end, Dawn figured, but brushed the pessimism aside. It was too early, to dismiss her hope.

Even, when she felt a faint gust pushing against her skin, carrying an ominious hostility. Almost, as if the darkness tried to scare her away.

Rustling noises behind her, drew Dawn's attention back to the hole. She had barely time to spin around, when a blue object jumped into her face. Piplup chirped aggravated as it took its usual seat on its trainer's head. Without waiting for a response from Dawn, J had begun squeezing herself through the hole and as expected, faced some difficulties. Hissing and grumbling, the huntress struggled her way through the rock.

For a moment, Dawn felt concerned and reached out with her arm in an attempt to help. But there was no need to. J escaped the strait with a last bit of strength, then allowed herself, to lean against the stone wall. Her breathing sounded troubled and she clutched her head again. Dawn winced at the agony and dizziness.

Yet before Dawn had the time, to suggest a break, J pushed herself of the wall, exclaimed, "Let's get moving," and strode down the path. Seconds passed, when Dawn was too baffled, to follow the huntress.

"J, stop!" The young trainer cried as she caught up to J. "You need a-" Abruptly, she fell silent. Her voice was simply drowned out by nail curling screeches. A gust swept around her body, ruffling through her blue hair with icy claws.

Suddenly, the walls erupted. Masses of ghost pokemon flooded the hallway, all of them with grim expressions on their faces, all of them ready to attack. Ghastly stuck out their tongues and launched countless shadow balls, while the Haunters attacked with dark pulses. There were no warning shots.

Piplup reacted immediately and jumped from Dawn's head. In midair, its body began to glow as it created a huge whirlpool, which deflected most attacks. Yet there were still more than enough dark projectiles breaching the masses of water. Dawn and J were forced to lunge themselves in different directions, taking cover in the shadows of the cave wall. The flashlight flickered dangerously, when it crashed against the stone and the coordinator strengthened her grip around it. Losing their only source of light was not an option.

The ghost types readied themselves for another wave of attacks, but Piplup was faster. It had another move ready, before the whirlpool ceased. An Ice Beam froze the water quickly, turning the water attack into a huge disk that Piplup hurled towards its foes. A distraction, which gave Dawn plenty of time to join the battle.

"Drill Peck and spin!" She yelled and watched her plan succeed. Following the ice, Piplup spun rapidly around itself, with so much speed that would make Whitney's Miltank envious. Their foes had no chance to escape, as the suction of the rotation sucked them towards the penguin. After all, Ghastly and Haunter only consisted of gas. Another ice beam froze many of the opposing pokemon and should dazzle the others for a few seconds.

"Good job!" Dawn complimented her partner, after she ran back to the middle of the path. Piplup struck a proud pose and chirped in delight.

For the penguin, it was too late, to dodge the powerful shadow ball that materialized in the darkness. It got blasted highly into the air; yet that didn't seem to effect the orb at all as it zoomed right towards Dawn. She was more than ready to avoide the hit, but something else already collided with her, the moment she blinked.

J, who had obviously found a liking in saving the day, literally swept Dawn of her feet. She tackled her with enough strength, to send both of them flying towards the wall. They crashed against the cold stone; all Dawn could see were colorful stars blinking behind her eyelids. The throbbing of her head would take long time, to cease. Dizzy, she turned to look at their offender. There were two of them. Mighty Gengars, floating inches over the ground. Their purple bodies melded with the darkness, only their ominous grins and red eyes stood out. They radiated an aura of disturbed creatures, protecting their home against invaders. Dawn remembered those emotions well; they clearly belonged to the horde of ghost types that had attacked the Bell Tower after Ho-Oh's escape.

Years ago, she would have tried to calm them down, convince them of her good intentions. But her journeys taught her otherwise, that the fastest and safest method, was to fight her way through.

Piplup was already back on its feet. The Gengars didn't show any signs of being intimidated. Dawn would convince them from the opposite, but first, she had to struggle to get up. Just what had J tried to do? That clearly hadn't been a rescue; at least that time, Dawn had everything under control!

Like usually, when they faced off against an unknown, but obviously strong foe, Piplup launched a hydropumo head on. The Gengar easily jumped away and melded with the darkness. Piplup had no clue, where the shadow ball came from, until the orb was only inches away from its side. It had barely time to roll away, when a dark pulse already aimed for its head. And although it could deflect the purple rings of that move with its brick break, there was no way to avoid the next attack.

A sneaky shadow punch from the ground hit Piplup right beneath its chin and knocked it a few steps back. Such a blow did little to its proud posture, though, and so it was ready for a counterattack. But where should they aim for? Dawn was just as desperate to find out that answer as Piplup was.

The Gengar left no clue behind; neither did they perform a transparent battle strategy, nor would their ever emerge from their hiding places, once they had disappeared at the beginning. The darkness was their second skin, where they fluently changed position, invisible for the naked eye. There was no chance to breach their advantage, not with the weak, yellow circle of light, Dawn's torch emitted. She'd tried though, but ended with more confusion than success.

Feverishly, her eyes would follow the moves, trying to find a source, a hint, anything that was helpful for her counter strategy. The crowd of ghost pokemon, which had gathered around the battle, did not pass her overview; they were eager to see their enemy defeated. Piplup sidestepped and rolled away, it hopped no more than a few inches into the air, cautions not to lose precious contact with the ground. It did everything it could, to stay upright, no matter how many shadow balls hit it. Yet there was no opening for an attack by itself.

Those Gengar were the most sufficient team, Dawn and Piplup had encountered for quite a while. Their silent understanding was outstanding, certainly only possible for creatures with supernatural powers. And they would not hesitate from any extreme; a battle that would decide over life and death. Dawn felt, how the anxiety fueled her heart with a rush of hot blood. Her palms became sweaty, so that the firm grip of her torch was impending to loosen. She was aware of every goose bump covering her skin, but it was no longer the cold to blame. And then there was another sensation slowly growing inside her, familiar, yet almost forgotten.

Finally, there was a hint. A nasty chain of attacks forced Piplup to jump high, higher than it would have allowed itself with those invisible surroundings. Apparently, that was just what Gengar had waited for. It reemerged from darkness, like the dew drop of a leaf, only to take advantage from Piplup's position. In midair, it had little escape routes and so it couldn't resist the tongue, which wrapped its body tightly.

"Piplup!" Dawn yelled, but was almost drowned by the whooshing noise of a shadow punch, "Ice beam!" Her partner understood her intentions; it probably wouldn't have acted otherwise. Beak glowing blue, it shot its move towards the ground. The spikes of a little iceberg reached upwards, covering Piplup and the tongue from the impact. The Gengar that had trapped the penguin, let out a yelp. The sudden change of temperature didn't suit it well, as it pulled back its frozen tongue and returned to the shadows. Even without Dawn's construction, Piplup already sent a hydropump after its predator. But it missed.

"Damnit," J hissed suddenly from behind. For a while, Dawn had believed her unconscious. She would turn her head for just a moment, to look at the huntress. J seemed dazzled, but didn't show signs of new injuries. The probably only threating aspect were the Haunter that blocked the way back and glared madly at the intruders. "I didn't safe you for such failure!"

Oddly, Dawn wasn't taken aback by those words. The battle held her attention in captivity and there was little left for J's pessimism. Her mind was focused on deciphering Gengars' strategy, as well as planning herself.

Piplup found itself amidst a storm of attacks and dodged with neck breaking maneuvers. It slid right beneath a dark pulse, but the black corners greased its skin. A scratch it didn't pay any attention to, as it had to somersault over a sludge bomb. It didn't even land properly, before a shadow punch hit it in the back and shoved it face first in the ground. The procedure began anew, afterwards.

During that sequence, Dawn observed that those moves lacked in any sufficient strength. Piplup took only little damage, even at direct hits. Missed attacks didn't leave any trace in the stone, Dawn even doubted they disturbed the dust. So what purpose did they have? An idea formed in her mind and she decided, to test it.

"Piplup, jump!" She yelled. Without hesitating, the penguin followed her order. Her eyes were fixed at Piplup, the darkness around it - and there it came! Multiple dark pulses soared around the water type, without touching it. Piplup was confused; it didn't know, which beam to attack and tried to get a look at all of them. That was when the trap snapped shut. The rings, the move consisted of, seemed to develop their own will. They separated themselves from the mass and in a swift moment, they looped over its head, catching the water type. It struggled against the circular cage, but there was no escape. Already, there was the other Gengar. It emerged from the darkness and summoned its power between its claws. It wanted Piplup to watch the shadow ball that would end the battle in an instant, wanted it to watch it grow, while it was rendered immobile.

"Go!" Dawn shouted and thrust one of her pokeballs right into the mess. Obviously, Gengar had already seen that device; it jumped away and shot its attack at the capsule, rather than at Piplup. But it missed - after all, it had expected another pokemon to come out. "Drill peck!"

Piplup spun around and squeezed itself out of the cage. It was still airborne and in a clear disadvantage, but not for long. If they wanted Piplup in the air, Dawn had just the way to handle that situation. "Bubble beam, let's go!"

The water type chirped approvingly as it formed its own stage of bubbles, big and small, floating through the corridor. Even though one of the Gengar shot an attack after it, Piplup just used the support of a bubble, to jump away. Again, the battle transformed into a session of dodges, yet there was a clear difference. Dawn had a plan in mind, and all those attacks were there, to help her achieving it.

Frustration was evident; the Gengar missed the penguin more often, than they hit it and they howled terribly. The other ghosts grew anxious as well. Dawn felt them moving around, causing little gusts that send chills over her skin. Her plan was risky. If the timing wasn't right, she would cause their own demise. But something inside her, a thrilling delight, didn't allow any doubts.

"I never asked you, to save me, J," Dawn exclaimed and couldn't help, but grin. She regripped the handle of her flashlight. "And I certainly can't see, where I was supposed to fail."

Piplup was back on the ground, its head high and flippers on its hips. It chirped provokingly at the ghosts that were unable to hit it and apparently, they were well fed up of that overly confident behavior. The Gengar shot their shadow balls at the penguin at the same time and didn't hold back on their power. The spheres zoomed through the air, forcing bubbles apart on their way.

Dawn tensed the muscles of her arm. Then, she snapped it forward, hurling her torch towards the battle. The sudden beam of light blinded the Gengars, who were forced to avert their eyes from the brightness. They couldn't see Piplup's glowing body, reading itself for an attack.

"Let's end it with a flash! Whirlpool!" Dawn shouted with excitement, with enjoyment, with a twinge of anxiety. The mixture of thrill, she had used to experience when battles were there was something simple, yet most important on the line. Not about another pokemon, not even about a contest ribbon, but about her and her partners life. And against a force that wasn't necessarily evil, just hostile.

The twirl of water grew rapidly, swallowing all the bubbles that floated in the air. Bubbles, that contained the ghost type moves, that had missed. Gengar couldn't escape in time, as the whirlpool already sucked them inside its current. Not even the ghosts in the air were able to escape the undertow of rotation. The dark mess grew, until it touched the ceiling - then Piplup let go of the power and in a blinding burst, it erupted. The walls shook under the explosion and ghosts and water were hurled to the sides. For a moment, Dawn feared to have gone to far, but the cave seemed to withstand the force.

And while the ghosts were still dazzled, they ran for it. Only the surprised and retributively screeches haunted them for a couple of minutes and soon even those sounds ceased, leaving the echo of their steps. Adrenaline from the battle was still present in her blood, but Dawn could already feel it slip away. Her inner circulation returned to normal, until her body remembered her exhaustion. Uneasiness returned; her ears became deaf with silence, as if the pressure of the atmosphere changed along their run.

She knew, J suffered greatly. Each step caused another stab in her head, although her posture wouldn't reveal anything. Dawn couldn't decide, whether that endurance was admirable or frightening, but it just couldn't go on.

"J, let's take a break-" Immediately, Dawn was interrupted by a huff.

"You really are suicidal," J growled between her teeth. Though Dawn could tell, that J didn't just speak that way out of anger. "Why won't we turn back, while we are already onto it? When I said I didn't want to end up brain dead that included death by mad ghosts!"

"I'll take care of them, but you-"

"I told you, I'm fine!"

"You're suffering! Damnit, you can barely walk!"

"How are you supposed to tell, if I don't show any sign of pain?!"

"Because of logic?"

"Logic would make you run even faster!"

Dawn had enough of those pointless arguments. So she snapped and revealed a secret, she otherwise would have hidden in the furthest corner of her mind. "Then how about telling you, that I suffer under your pain just as strongly as you do?"

While those words didn't cause an abrupt halt, they seemed to bring J back to her senses. She was baffled, to say the least. She probably didn't even notice, how her steps gradually became slower, but didn't come to a halt yet. J shot her an astonished and questioning look, which made it impossible for Dawn to keep silent. Though reluctant, she went on, with a voice one would use to calm down a panicked Stantler.

"Yes, you heard me. I can feel your pain. In fact, I can sense any emotion you're feeling. Like right now; confusion, astonishment, exhaustion and..." She stopped for a moment. "Frustration?" For a brief moment, she had to withstand the urge of dropping to her knees and bang her fist against the ground. Dawn didn't quite understand, what that emotion had lost in J, at such a time. Surely, that revelation was anything but pleasant, but she had rather expected anger and fear of that breach of privacy.

Although Dawn didn't just blurt out with that statement, but rather acted out of despair and guilt, Dawn felt as if she made a severe mistake. She had kept it a secret for quite some time - it was difficult, to just let it go, especially in front of her enemy. But there had been no other peaceful way to stop the huntress. Dawn would just have to face the consequences.

Finally, they stopped. A new stab of headache made J stagger towards the wall. She refused to sit down, though, but Dawn didn't mind. They had made enough progress for now and she feared that any more relaxation would knock the huntress out. After some seconds of panting and anxiety on Dawn's side, J looked straight into her eyes.

"You can feel my emotions," she didn't ask, she stated. Only her voice revealed that she wanted Dawn to move on. And although the young trainer was reluctant, she went on. After all, she still owed J her life and if a 'thank you' was too much, there had to be something else.

"Maybe not really feel it," Dawn admitted. "More like sense it. And depending on the intensity, anybody's emotions can influence me. I get angry, sad, happy or I suffer splitting pain in my head, an aching back..." She moved her shoulders and made a distressed grimace. "I sure hope your bones are alright. And don't make me even begin of your dizziness."

Only twice, Dawn was forced to hold that speech and both times had been awkward. J, on the other hand, didn't seem too bothered. In fact, she rather inquired for more specific details. "That would explain my injury in the Ilex Forest, but how did you know I was lying? I don't remember that being an emotion."

Dawn was positively surprised; she had almost expected that the huntress would give her the ability to read minds. "Lying triggers certain emotions. Usually, people feel guiltyor anxious. You felt delighted, because you found a possibility to get rid of me." Even without the risen eyebrow, Dawn felt J's question. She gestured helplessly with her hands. "That's my interpretation of your emotions! I don't know, why anyone would be happy telling a lie. And no-" She added at the hint of self-doubts. "It wasn't easy sensing it. I concentrated, the way I do now. My mum calls it a strong empathy, alright?"

J groaned and rubbed her face with both hands. Those news were no good for her. "Wonderful! Empathy, eh? I would rather call it a mythological phenomen." Gingerly, she leant her head against the cold stone. Now, the ashes on her face were smeared in one direction. "You're really putting me into a dilemma, girl."

Dawn's eyebrow twitched. Couldn't that woman be respectful for at least a second? She did remember her name, didn't she? "So? In what kind of dilemma am I putting you?" She asked and reinforced her focus on J. She wanted an answer and maybe that was the time to get them.

J remarkably stiffened, but gave no reply. Dawn had another approach. "J, why do you keep up saving me? Not only here, I know you're getting paid. But why in the Ilex Forest? Abandoning me would have been so much easier. Hell, you even risked your life for me! Why?"

Dawn couldn't believe her eyes, when she witnessed physical reactions from J. She was avoiding eye contact with the girl and seemed to bite her cheek. "Do you really want me to repeat that sentence? None of your business?"

Finally, the time had come. "It is my business," Dawn persisted and couldn't hide a little smirk on the corner of her lips. "There is someone out there, who is obviously highly concerned about my wellbeing. And they are consulting you, an infamous criminal. Good people don't do that, they rely on the police and would let me know about it." Her voice became much more serious. "If they send a criminal, though, than I can only guess about their intentions. And I guess, I'm in severe trouble."

"Stop calling me a criminal. Sounds like I'm a pathetic thief. I deserve better. Although I told you, that I retired," J sighed. Her arms were once again crossed, but that time more like a gesture out of defeat.

"And I have a name. But if you insist, hunter..." She frowned. "I still can't believe, you retired, though."

J sighed a chuckle. "Fine, Dawn, I'll tell you. It does, indeed concern you. But now is not the time, I want to be back to my senses and able to rethink that decision."

Although at that point, Dawn was still left without any information, she felt, she made a huge progress. She couldn't hold back the delight that curved her lips slightly upwards. All that was left, was their escape from the cave. Which they would no longer be able to post-pone.

A strong gust carried fresh howls of the ghosts. Even though the chase wasn't on yet, the little group did not waste any time to jump back on their feet and fall into another sprint. The exit was near; an old trapdoor in the ceiling. Without wasting their precious time, by opening the door manually, Dawn used the help of Piplup. The next second, a hydropump smashed through the wood. With the penguin on her head, Dawn climbed through the makeshift exit and held out a hand towards the huntress. But even, J didn't accept her help and rather pulled herself out of the tunnel. Just to make sure they were save, Piplup froze the hole in a thick layer of ice.

"They don't need that exit anyway, come on!" J tugged her shirt and dashed of. Dawn quickly followed the huntress towards the last exit. For a brief second, she caught a glimpse of the old Burned Tower; broken, dusty wood covered the main hall. Even a few statues had survived the fire hundreds of years ago. Nonetheless, it looked like a place of eternal grief. What once had been a beautiful monument of power, had been reduced into a pitiful ruin within the blink of an eye. She shuddered at that image. Even the double door lacked a half, while the other wing only hung on a broken joint. They were the last hindrance, before they emerged into the brighter outside.

The sun was setting. Its light intensified the red and golden colors of the ever-autumn trees, while a cozy summer breeze rustled through the leaves. Dawn took in the fresh air, loved, how it warmed her skin. Only the smell of burned wood dimmed her high spirits of finally being free.

Piplup jumped of her head and embraced the soft grass, chirping happily. Bruises and scratches were forgotten, it was back full with energy. J was the last to emerge into the light. She squinted her eyes and mumbled something about the sudden brightness. Yet Dawn could tell, she was glad to be back in the sun.

Dawn turned to her incompatible companion and gave her a better look. She appeared even worse than before. Her face was smudged and gray, in contrast to her reddened eyes. Likewise was her messy hair, which had lumps of ashes and blood tangled in its streaks. She bore a grim expression, brows furrowed and lips pressed together. Her body language, though repressed, was evident of her pain. She had her hands clenched into fists, to stop them from shaking, but that only seemed to worsen that movement. Breathing itself seemed to take up most of her strength, as she panted heavily and with great effort.

"J, we need to go to the doctor, now," Dawn exclaimed worriedly. Just how did J bear all that agony and wounds? And how much damage would it take to break her? At least, she didn't object to Dawn's declaration and slowly stepped towards her.

"HALT!" A male voice suddenly boomed, startling the little group. Several police officers blocked the path and all had their pokemon out and ready to attack. Growlithe crouched on the ground and barked aggressively. Above them a swarm of Noctowl flapped their already glowing wings and a Vileplume made the front, prepared to shot out a cloud of stun spore. "Don't move! Otherwise we will stop you by any means necessary!" One of the officers commanded. He was a tall guy, quite young compared to his colleague in Goldenrod City, but just as hardboiled and unforgiving. His hand rested on a pair of handcuffs, which dangled from his belt.

J seemed perplex, though she wouldn't show any willingness, to back down.

"Hey!" Dawn shouted towards the officers. "Don't arrest her! I know, she's a criminal, but-"

"Silence! Don't make me use force! Now, retrieve that Piplup, immediately."

Dawn blinked. She blinked again. Those words rerun at least three times in her mind, until she completely grasped their meaning.

How dared they? "Is that a joke?! She is the hunter - and there is no way, I am her assistant!"

"Dawn..." J mumbled under her breath and to her astonishment, Dawn sensed some concern. But she was to upset, to properly react to it. After being trapped in a haunted cave, she just expected a warmer greeting!

One off the Growlithe hissed a flame. It was growing angrier and more impatient at every word. "You were caught trespassing of a sacred place, only two days after Team Missile burned down the Bell Tower. Now, don't make that list longer and give up!"

"Who do you think did your job and stopped Team Rocket? What is wrong with you?!"

That did it. Dawn lit the fuse and unlocked an explosion, she couldn't ward off. The police officer barked an order and with that the Pokemon dashed off. Big clouds of sparkling orange powder emerged form the huge flower on Vileplume's head, while the Noctowls flapped their wings faster, until they created a strong gust.

Dawn didn't think clearly - she just reacted. She told Piplup to use whirlpool and the penguin complied. It had no effect on the wind, but the water caught the stun spore and hindered it from affecting its trainer and itself.

That move just made their situation worse; it was replied by the loud barking of numerous dog Pokemon. The Growlithe stepped into action, dashing at high speed towards their fiends with their fangs ready to bite an arm. Hastily, Piplup used the same whirlpool, to flood the path. The wave it created, swept most of the Growlithe back to their trainers, yet there was one that escaped. It was swift on its feet, changing its curse to a spot where the water was shallow and jumped. Dawn could sense its determination. It had taken her verbal assault personally and it would avenge its trainer.

Fire flared around its fangs, its black eyes were locked on Dawn. Before the coordinator had any time to react, Growlithe leaped towards her. Her muscles were tense, her breathing stopped. That instant, all of her senses were extraordinary sharp. She listened to her blood rushing through her veins and was overwhelmed by the wrath the Growlithe radiated. And suddenly, her head exploded in a blinding rush of agony.

In order to save Dawn for the fifth time, J rushed in front of her. Then, against all reason, she jumped up with a little spin and slammed her knee in Growlithe's muzzle. The impact hurled the fire type several meters away, where it crashed into a pile of autumn leaves. J on the other hand, couldn't bear both the pain and the control over her body, so she fell on her belly on the cobblestone path. She clutched the laceration with her hands and bit down her lip, silencing any scream her body ached to let out. A weak moan escaped her nonetheless.

Dawn winced. The pain was flooding her as well, forcing out any thoughts or sensations, until there was nothing left but the stab in her head. Wave after wave rolled over her, each one as strong as the previous one and never ending. Dawn sunk to her knee, but resisted the urge to press her palm against the none existent wound.

Only slowly, the throbbing would cease. Her head and vision cleared and allowed her a frightening thought. Until now, she hadn't experienced pain as vividly as in that moment and she didn't want to know, what it meant to the actual victim.

Dawn stood up with shaky legs and took a quick look around. The police officers were still there, but now - from out of nowhere - Morty had joined them. He seemed to discuss something of importance, as he bore a severe expression and shot her concerned glances from time to time. The officers seemed to be reluctant, yet retreated slowly. At least they trusted the gym leader.

Piplup had run up to her and chirped frenziedly, to get her attention. She only mumbled "I'm fine," and approached J carefully. The huntress lay perfectly still, only her upper body heaved in and out in an unsteady rhythm. Her head was turned to Dawn, eyes closed, but still furrowed in a painful expression.

The situation felt familiar, as Dawn knelt beside the woman and bent over her back. She grimaced at the sight. A long, wide gash crossed her head diagonally. While the edges were already covered by dark scab, there was fresh blood seeping out of various spots. Dawn watched the droplets sliding down in a little stream, soaking J's hair and the collar of her shirt. Although the skull wasn't visible and J didn't bleed much, Dawn froze on the inside. Maybe it was because she was still staring at a life threatening wound. Or maybe it was because of a little thought in the back of her mind. A thought that had been labeled as a fact for the past five years; that J had died at Lake Valor. She shouldn't be lying next to Dawn in the first place. Probably also because she couldn't have survived that drop, either.

Morty ran up to her, closely followed by his Gengar and two Haunter. "Are you alright?" He shouted, when he was in hearing range. As soon as he was close enough, to make out details, he answered the question himself. He spun around to his companions, urgency audible in his voice. "Go and get Nurse Joy and an ambulance-"

"Hell no, you don't," J groaned and pushed herself up. Gradually, she returned to a standing position. She had taken a severe blow to her self-control; J staggered as if she was drunk. That didn't affect her glare at Morty, though. "You took quite some time, to fulfill your part of the agreement!"

"I am deeply sorry," Morty apologized and bowed at both Dawn and J. "I was busy searching for you and didn't realize that the police would suspect you immediately. Also," Now he shot J a dark look back. Dawn noticed, how weary he looked. His hair was disheveled and he didn't seem to have changes his clothes for a while. There were eye rings darkening his expression, in fact a shadow seemed to last on his features. "Also, I didn't want to tell the police I sent up a pokemon hunter, to look after a civilian and stop Team Missile, if I can't be sure you completed your part of the deal."

J wasn't impressed by his speech. "Ho-Oh got away and she-" She pointed behind her with a thumb, "is still in one piece and well, thanks to me. Otherwise your insufficiency would have left her fried and armless."

They would stare at each other for a couple of seconds, neither of them willing to back away. In the end it was Morty, who relented first. Once again, he apologized. "I was out, searching for you for the past two days and hadn't been home yet. I'm a bit stressed out; especially because of the ghost pokemon-"

"Wait, for how long have we been missing?!" Dawn exclaimed, shock written in her face.

"Two days," the gym leader repeated with a sigh. He didn't hide his exhaustion and expressed his concern in a helpless gesture. "The day before yesterday, you climbed up the Bell Tower and went missing afterwards. Since it burned to ground, I had little hopes you were still alive."

Dawn felt her heart sink at such news. That she hadn't participated in daily affairs for two days, didn't bother her too much. To find out, that the Bell Tower was indeed lost, brought back the heavy weight of failure. And that time she couldn't just brush it off, like in the cave. The sorrow of the ghosts came back into her mind. No wonder they had haunted them, after their home had been destroyed.

It was J, who pulled Dawn back into reality - and up the cobblestone path. She grabbed the girl by the shoulder and strode past Morty. "Come on, Dawn. Let the pitiful gymleader go back home and get his undeserved sleep. We'll go and see a doctor."

Morty tried to persuade J to wait for an ambulance, but she wouldn't listen. She ignored him by all means and even sped up, when the police officers stepped up to their little group. Eventually, J managed to get rid of Morty, and they were on their own once more. Silence dominated their way, since they had to bear with either pain or the certainty of failure.

It didn't take long, until they reached Ecruteak City. At least, there were no traces of damage in the town. The houses were still standing and every tile on the roofs seemed in place. Only the people mourned over their loss. They radiated sorrow and anger towards the criminals, who were guilty for the mess and Dawn couldn't shake of the uneasy feeling that they knew about her failure. Wherever she looked, she would see enraged eyes glaring at her. Little could her mind change about those irrational sensations.

Finally, J lead her to an unusual house in the middle of the city. In contrary to the other buildings, the walls were made out of firm cement, rather than wooden materials. It was two stories high and all of the windows had their curtains closed. Dawn hadn't bothered to ask J, where they were heading until she noticed, they were not heading towards the pokemon Center.

"Uh, J..." Dawn spoke up and glanced at the silver haired woman. J was fiddling in her pockets with a grim expression. "You said, we were going to a doctor."

J huffed and pulled her hand out again. She started knocking the door loudly. "Yes, that's right. Let's hope she is inside, I don't want to break in the door, again."

Now, why did that sound familiar?

Several minutes passed, no one opened the door. J grew quickly impatient. She tapped her foot and crossed her arms in annoyance. "Come on, I know you're in there..."

Dawn flinched as the huntress even began to kick the door with her boot, until it shook under the impact. That seemed to annoy the owner enough, to finally get her out. The door slammed open outwardly, almost smashing J in the process. And in the doorframe, there stood Nurse Joy dressed in a jogging suit. She glared at J, and J glared back.

"Alive again?" Joy asked sarcastically.

"Yes. Lucky you."

"Damn not." Only then, Joy gave her companion some attention. "What's the vandal doing here? Don't tell me she was with you the whole time?"

Both women shot Dawn different looks. Joy's was disapproving, while J was just surprised. "She did try to kill me a couple of times," the huntress exclaimed with a frown. She turned her head back. "But it wasn't her, who set fire to the tower."

"I don't care what she does with you or some tower; she smashed the door of my pokemon center and still hasn't paid me."

"She did?" Another suspicious look, that time considering. "Maybe she isn't that bad."

Before the conversation could drift even further into corners, she did not approve, Dawn spoke up for the first time. "First, I didn't break your door willingly, it was an accident. Second, I never tried to kill J, that's absurd!"

"You did. Your Ninetales almost burnt me twice. Not to mention that you plunged yourself into a burning tower and I had to-"

"Save me, I get it!" Dawn interrupted with a risen voice. How often intended J to rub that into her nose? "What I don't understand: How come you two know each other?"

That particular Nurse Joy was probably the worst member of her family, rude and unforgiving. Yet that shouldn't mean, she associated with renowned criminals, should it? In fact, shouldn't her nasty attitude reach a climax with people, who caused more injuries to pokemon than necessary? She had to take her time and fix them, after all.

Without thinking, J gave a casual and well audible reply. "Oh, Joy used to work for me-"

Dawn hadn't even the time to blink, when Joy already had J in a death grip with an arm looped around her neck. Like that, she pulled the huntress inside of her home, leaving a dumbfounded Dawn.

"What is wrong with you, blurting it out like this!" Joy hissed into her ear, then turned her head towards the entrance. "You, girl! Come in here and close the door!"

While Dawn was anxious to step into that house, she was even more frightened to disobey Joy. So she slipped inside and shut the door quietly behind her. Through the soles of her shoes, Dawn felt the softness of a thick, beigecarpet. The walls were painted with a color slightly more vivid, than white - something like eggshell, she supposed. A painting of a town hung to her right, but even in the well-lit room, the angle made it impossible to make out details. The two women had stopped wrestling and Joy started expecting J's wounds, while the huntress leaned against the wall further down the corridor, panting.

"You're bleeding all over my house, just after I cleaned everything," Joy remarked disdainful, but there was something in her look that suggested care. "Let me guess: you're suffering from headaches in the morning. Still better than all these whining trainers, complaining over splinters in their foot, or that their top-percentage Rattata was fried by a Raikou, or girls that pierce their hands with glass shards. So what did you do? Head butt a Rhydon?"

"No, the ground of the basement. The roof became a bit too warm for my taste," J huffed, not hiding her annoyance. Ponderously, she pushed herself of the wall and made a staggering first step. "Anyways, I need to repair-"

Joy wouldn't let her go, though. Swiftly she grabbed her lower arm and dug her fingers into the skin. Unpleasant, yet not painful. "I am not the nature type; If I want my carpet red, I'll buyone that's already colored." She stretched out her hand, palm upward. "I'm the nurse, I'll take care of it."

With a sigh, J relented. She rummaged in her pockets and produced three broken pokeballs. Joy's expression darkened at the sight, yet she didn't complain, as she took the devices. J nodded her head in the direction of the entrance, but winced at the movement. "Dawn's aren't working, either," J stated and rubbed her temples.

"Who?" Joy's eyes snapped open and her pink brows almost disappeared under her locks. Any more astonishment, and the nurse would be standing there, with her mouth wide open. But even that was irritating enough for J, who pointed at the blue haired trainer.

"The girl! Obviously! Or the vandal, whatever your nickname is!"

Joy was still in a state of disbelieve as her glances wandered between J and Dawn. She parted her lips several times, in an attempt to speak up, but decided against it. Eventually, she brushed the topic of with a shake of her head. "Just go inside the room," she ordered the huntress and strode towards Dawn. As she did with J, she held out her hand for the trainer to place her pokeballs in her hand. Dawn, however, felt very protective all of sudden. She put her own hand over the capsules and took a step back.

This is absurd, Dawn thought as she stared into the face that usually meant unrestricted help. Never in her life, would she have expected to distrust a Nurse Joy. But if that individual was working for a hunter...

Joy wasn't especially fond of her resistance. "I still have a walking corpse to attend to; would you hurry up?"

It was very hard, to press out those words, while watching how the characteristically pink locks on Joy's head fell in place. The impatient frown on her face, was the only mental help, Dawn had. Her voice was still no more than a whisper, though. "How am I supposed to trust my pokemon - my partners to someone, who works with Hunter J?"

"I don't really care, if your pokemon get attention or not," Joy pressed out, from behind clenched teeth. Then she relaxed with a forced sigh, as if she could comprehend Dawn's concern. "Look, I am not a poacher or a murderer. I am still a nurse and just because I worked for an outlaw, that doesn't mean I don't do my job as a doctor properly. And inflicting harm to your pokemon, would cause me only more work. Do you understand me?"

On the inside, Dawn still fought a battle against her rational mind, common sense and distrust. Still reluctantly, she handed over the devices, which contained her friends. Her eyes never left the capsules, when Joy pulled back her hand and gave the girl a throughout look. Then she beckoned the girl to follow her towards the room, J had left into. The door was at the end of the hallway, painted in the same shade as the walls and slightly open. On their way, they passed two more doors and Dawn wondered, how Joy had decorated the rooms, behind the closed entrances. She could even catch a glimpse of the painting, hanging on her right. A town at the ocean - possibly Cherigrove City - from a bird's-eye view, basket in golden beams of the lazy afternoon sun.

Her first impression of a cozy home, though, was slightly shaken as she walked on. They stepped over the threshold into what looked like a homelyoperation room. The two walls on the sides were painted in Budew green, as well as the semicircle shaped carpet at the entrance. On her left, there were white cupboards, formed like table with a computer sitting on top, next to various medical equipment. At the other side of the room, there was a large window - at least Dawn expected there a window, as the curtains were firmly closed.

J sat on a medical chair in the center of the room. She typed listlessly on a laptop with an USB keychainplugged inside, only glancing up, when Dawn and Joy entered the room. The nurse nodded to the left. "The bathroom is over there, go and clean yourself up." The order left no space for debate - not that it was necessary. Dawn only took some time, to crouch down and ask Piplup to watch over their friends. The penguin saluted and followed Joy next door.

Now Dawn was left entirely alone with J. But a quick glance reassured her, that the huntress was too occupied typing and staying awake, to care about Dawn. Nonetheless, she crossed the distance as silently as possible and shut the door behind her.

Finally, Dawn let herself relax. She sighed loudly, and plopped back behind the door. Slowly, she slid down and was glad that the ground was covered with another fluffy carpet. The lamps weren't on yet, only the evening light from outside fell through little windows. Dawn didn't mind, though; in fact, there was no space in her head, at all, to bother about the lack of brightness.

Too many thoughts and sensations lashed down on her, with no way to put an order to them. Working with J had been odd enough, but at least then they had behaved like enemies. Now, battered with wounds and exhaustion, they developed something like trust - why else would Dawn stay so calm, with nothing but a door separating her from the huntress? And she should have known, how fragile such structures were. And then there was the matter of Nurse Joy, who casually used to work for J. Not any longer, of course - J had after all retired from her successful career as a poacher.

Within that overwhelming confusion, there was the agony caused by lethal wounds and weariness. Her head reacted with a throbbing dizziness; the room wasn't spinning in her eyes, nonetheless something seemed to disturb her natural balance. She rested her forehead in her hands, as her neck could no longer support the weight. It wasn't the first time, Dawn wished to be numb, simply oblivious to all the trouble around her. And it wasn't unusual for her, either, to curse her empathy. Only one spark of hope shone in the masses of thunderclouds gathering in her mind. J would - might reveal some answers to the mysteries, which recently began to hang around Dawn.

And of course, there was still her contest lingering in the background, ready to retrieve every ounce of attention, Dawn had. Now that she was in Ecruteak City and knew, the town was well, she started pondering over that event, automatically. Starting with the question, whether she would be able to face the stage at all. With every cell of her body aching, it didn't seem likely.

Finally, Dawn found the strength to push herself up again and turn on the lights. She squirmed her eyes at the sudden brightness and stumbled towards the sink. Her hands shook under the stream of warm water shooting out of the faucet as she began to wash away the dirt. The water quickly turned into a greyish brown color, carrying ashes, sweat and clops of blood under a layer of white soap foam. The wound on her left palm stung, as she rubbed it carefully, but that couldn't dim her delight of being clean again. She avoided looking into the mirror hanging over the sink. Quickly, she splashed water in her face, until it stopped looking like she had been trapped in a cave for days.

Relief erupted inside her heart, expanding her chest in a deep breath. Strange, how much dirt could influence a human. After she quickly got rid of her other physical needs, Dawn stepped in front of the mirror. The rest of her appearance definitely didn't match with her clean skin. Ashes had stained her clothes and the sleeveless shirt was ripped on the left side. She gave the spot a throughout look, but it was difficult to make something out under the shreds of clothing. Quickly, she pulled the shirt over her head and poked her hip.

A sting of pain made her wince, yet she wasn't forced to jerk her hand away. The skin shone in different shades of purple and appeared slightly swollen. Some lines of scab crossed the middle of the bruise and oddly, they reminded Dawn of almost healed scratches. Once again, she pressed two fingers into the flesh. Her body replied with another sting, but only as if she touched an ordinary bruise, caused in a normal training session. Certainly not the way it should hurt, after that bone-breaking blow of Druddigon.

Dawn frowned. Suddenly, the door swung open, startling the young and almost nakedtrainer. It was Joy, who breached her private sphere nonchalantly. "Oh, good," she exclaimed, as she took in the sight of Dawn's bare upper body. "You already started. Well, then, go ahead, strip."

"What?" Dawn almost shrieked at the unwelcome intruder. It didn't matter, that the bathroom belonged to Joy's house; at least for the time being, Dawn preferred to be on her own!

Joy met her reaction with an annoyed look. "I said 'strip'. You can leave your underwear on, for all I care; I just though, you wanted your clothes in one piece. Otherwise I can use a scalpel, if you like."

It was perfectly logical, for the nurse to attend to her patient. And as Joy had said earlier, there was no point, harming Dawn any more than she already was, even if they had happened to become enemies. She still chewed on her lip, as she let her shorts slid down her legs.

"Good girl," Joy mumbled and Dawn was sure, she rolled her eyes. Her examination was quick and there was nothing off importance, but the bruise and the burn on her palm. Similar to Dawn, Joy pressed her fingers in the skin, but with better coordination. Her face showed no emotional reaction, only the complete concentration of a professional. "I can't find anything wrong with your bones," her voice sounded almost disappointed. "J is a complete mess. What did you fall on? Was there a mountain of pillows in the basement?"

Dawn tried to avoid eye contact; her next words simply sounded strange in her own ears. "I wouldn't call J's body a mountain of pillows..."


Refreshed and bandaged, Dawn followed Joy inside the other room. The nurse continued her way next door, leaving her alone. Alone with a criminal. She sighed. When would the day finally end?

J was lying on her stomach, her head rested on crossed arms. She appeared to be asleep, at least her eyes were closed and her breathing was close to normal. And the steady movement of her upper body was the only reason, Dawn didn't believe to stare at a corpse. A heavily battered corpse. All the woman was wearing, was a pair of black boxer shorts. The skin matched the color very well with dark purple bruises spread all over her back and legs. It was much easier, counting untouched spots, were the skin was simply pale. The upper parts of her shoulders, as well as the insides of her knees and ankles. Everything else had direct contact to the ground, during the impact of the landing.

Dawn gulped. Some places even showed traces of cuts, where debris on the floor had dug into her back. As Joy had said; J looked like a mess. Dawn approached the woman slowly, afraid to wake her up. Endless questions raced through her mind, most of them could be phrased with a why at the beginning. Why was J still alive? Why did she try so badly, to save Dawn? Why hadn't there been another way to do it?

And then she noticed something new, something that didn't seem to belong to that incident. Terrible scars of burns that covered her shoulders. Pinkish white, like crumbled linen. On each side, there were two little pits, both with similar space in between. Dawn frowned; that pain was not fresh...

"Stop staring at me like that..." J mumbled and fixed a halfy opened eye at Dawn. The girl was still fighting with her disturbance and responded with a petty question.

"Like what?"

"As if you're looking at some talking corpse; a zombie or something like that."

"A demon banned from hell itself?" Dawn suggested, her frown yielding a pained expression. "You were dead, for quite some time, at least as far as I know. The chances of surviving an explosion under water are... quite small. And then a drop from a burning tower?" She shook her head. "Yeah, I guess that's a good way to put it. I feel, like I'm looking at a talking corpse. I mean, look at you!"

"I prefer not to. My neck is a bit stiff."

"I imagine... Why did you do that? Its suicide!"

J gave her a weak glare. "Do I seriously have to die, to make you stop nagging me with questions?"

That remark made Dawn's mouth snap shut. Embarrassed, she averted her eyes and only murmured a sorry. J didn't react, beside relaxing her muscles and let her cheek sink back on her arm. She wouldn't close her eye though and Dawn sensed her discomfort and skepticism. With another sigh, Dawn rubbed her face and strode towards the wall she faced. There was a little table and a chair, she headed towards. But she never reached the seat.

Suddenly, the door on her side, where Joy had disappeared into, flung open and Ninetales dashed out of it. Its claws left deep scratches in the floor, as it turned on the spot and leapt at J.

If it wasn't for the brute force of an Ursaring, the fox would have torn her neck with burning fangs. Dawn winced, as the bear swept down two glowing paws and nailed Ninetales to the ground. Joy and Piplup rushed after them and there were loud rumbling noises in the other room; probably all the other pokemon she had already freed from their pokeballs. Even under the crushing grip of the Ursaring, Ninetales continued to struggle. It clawed the floor until wood bursted and hungry flames hissed from its fangs, longing for J.

Joy was furious. She looked at Dawn with a grim expression; her voice was loud and aggressive and left no other choice, than to obey her. "Calm your damn fox down, now!"

There was no need for such an instruction, as Dawn already jumped in action. She skidded beside the fire type and put her hands on its head. The fur was hot with uncontrollable rage, but Dawn couldn't quite understand, what the source was.

"Where did you catch that Ninetales?" J suddenly spoke up from behind Dawn - she could hear her surprised frown.

"Back in Sinnoh, near Lake Valor," the young coordinator blurted out without a second thought. Lake Valor? Was that an accident? She tried to glance over her shoulder, but Ninetales flames demanded all her attention.

"Interesting..." J mumbled and her voice was almost drowned by Ninetales' growls.

"What's interesting?!" Dawn shouted, since J didn't show any signs ot share her knowledge at such a crucial moment. Her own anger cleaved the way for the wrath surrounding her; it infiltrated her mood.

J wasn't taken aback, though. Her voice was cool and controlled, in the face of chaos. "It's interesting, that the client let it go so easily. Or that it was able to escape and that you, of all people, caught it. It even managed to damage my ship."

Suddenly, all wrath faded, leaving nothing but a clear hollowness inside Dawn. Now, she even identified Ninetales outburst as a hunger for revenge. It starved for retribution. "You captured my Ninetales?" Dawn asked rhetorically. The shock drained more strength out from her words, than she expected. Even without J confirming it, she knew what happened; heavy vehicles blasting through the woods of a faraway forest, Hunter J standing on top of her malicious Salamence and the fatigue of a hopeless battle.

And it was her Ninetales that had to endure such torment. Dawn ought to knock out the Ursaring and let the fox get its bloody revenge. It had every right to loath the huntress and other hundred, maybe thousands of victims would agree.

But she couldn't. She could not let her own partner tear a defenseless woman apart, not if she was so close to death, not if Dawn owned her her life. Even if she was the worst of criminals. But could she just act against every ambition of a trainer? Against every implicitness of friendship? Choosing the side of good or evil, would have been much easier, than the war of morals, her insides suffered under. In the end, the decisive reason for her next step was the pain that still lingered in the air. That oh so noble pain.

Determined, desperate to end the struggle, Dawn took a step back and stretched her arms out in a protective manner. She met the dark glare of her partner with her own steely eyes and exclaimed an order with the strictest voice she managed. "Ninetales, stop!"

Dawn could swear, she heard a chilly clank, when the atmosphere froze. Two simple words; they hung in the air like daggers. Daggers of treachery. She could feel, how they dug themselves deeply into Ninetales' and her hearts and left wounds that shouldn't exist. The last syllable wasn't even spoken, when she already hated herself for her actions. Her decision was against every promise between a trainer and their pokemon.

Empathy wasn't even necessary, to decipher the emotions raging inside Ninetales. They were clearly displayed in its eyes. Even if there weren't already fresh flames hissing around its fangs, she would still see the fire behind its black pupil, trying to burn the vision of Dawn. It accepted the betrayal rather quickly, in the sense of persuading its trainer. Ninetales didn't need her help, but it expected its trainer covering its back, not shielding the enemy. It wouldn't attack the human that had achieved its trust just yet. If she wouldn't back down, however...

But Dawn didn't. She still knelt there and her arms were shivering. Not because of physical exhaustion, rather because every second of that mental fight drained her will to stick to her decision. She was well aware, what the resistance did to her relation to Ninetales, but backing down now, would damage their bond even more. And also, the anger returned, igniting her mood. Anger against Ninetales stubbornness, anger against the hunter that initiated the whole mess, anger against the situation itself. Why did Dawn have to navigate her way through it, with two oppositemotivations dragging her?

"I said, stop it!" She commanded her fire type once again.

"Piipp lup!" To her surprise, Piplup joined her resistance with a similar pose. Dawn felt relieved and terrified at the same time. Grateful for its unrestricted support on the one hand, on the other hand she didn't want Piplup fighting with her partner. Couldn't that nightmare just stop?

Suddenly, Ninetales let out a yelp. Silent as a Misdreavous, Nurse Joy had approached the fire type. Now, she held an empty shot in her hand, with a hard glance directed towards Dawn. She managed to hold her emotions under control and Dawn didn't want to know, how severe the consequences would have been otherwise. "Go to your pokemon and take Ninetales with you; I don't want to know about your existence until I ask for it. Understood?"

Ninetales soon stopped struggling, its eyes became glassy and its limbs relaxed. Occasional twitches jerked its body, otherwise it lay still. Dawn dropped towards her partner, with worries written in her face. "What did you do to it?!" She asked Joy, afraid, what the employee of a ruthless hunter did to her Ninetales.

"Anesthetic," Joy stated in a dangerously calm voice. "And if you don't want anything worse inside Ninetales body, you better leave, or else!"

There was no point resisting, not that Dawn was eager to argue with a Nurse Joy, anyway. She and Piplup trotted out of the room, while Ursaring carried Ninetales over its shoulder. A warm welcome waited for them, proudly organized by Salamence, Drapion and Ariados. J's pokemon towered over Dawn, the minute she stepped inside, baring their fangs and clicking their claws. Dawn couldn't hold herself back, when she snapped, "Your trainer's fine! Stop glaring at me!". Fortunately, that didn't result in more aggression. Instead, they let her pass, so they could squat beside the door and catch glimpses of the attendance.

The sight of her own pokemon was a lot more relieving. Though battered with scratches and some small bruises, they radiated energy and high spirits. Except of Kirlia, but her younger partner only seemed to suffer from fright. Who wouldn't be, with such massive predators in one room?

Even Pichu hopped around her legs, squealing excited. It could smell J and probably all the other, nasty scents around them. It wanted to get to its mother, but the presence of Salamence and Drapion seemed to unnerve the electric type. She caught the baby mouse and turned around just in time to watch Ursaring dropping Ninetales without any care. The fox twitched slightly, otherwise remained immobile.

"Hey!" She cried after the bear, but the only reaction she would receive, was a growl. Quickly, she knelt beside Ninetales. It appeared perfectly alright, though, beside the deep sleep it was forced into. "I'm so sorry..." Dawn whispered in its ear, stroking its pale fur. What had she done? The question was actually very simple: protected her injured savior. But what had she done, nonetheless?

A soft, warm body approached her from behind and grateful for the support, Dawn leant her head against Braviary's feathers. She loved its belly; it reminded her of an untouched pillow. And then there was Aron; its metal head felt cool on her injured hip. Kirlia and Piplup followed as well, nuzzling themselves on her lap. A faint smile played on her lips. "Thanks, guys. You gave Team Rocket an unforgettable impression."


"Dawn! Hey! Wake up!" Joy's voice pulled the girl back into reality. Dawn blinked at the bright light and pushed herself up. Her neck ached, since it had been in an awkward position during her nap. "Permission to come back granted. In fact, that's an order."

Sighing, Dawn stood up clumsily. Her head was dizzy, since it just had barely enough time, to prepare for some needed rest. On a table nearby, Dawn found the pokeballs of her partners and quickly, she retrieved them. At least they should enjoy the rest of their slumber. Except Piplup, who already jumped into her arms, and Pichu. She had an unpleasant idea, where the electric type had run off to.

Hesitantly, she stepped over the doorframe into the room. Her notion was right; Pichu sat on the chair, J had lain on before, and looked up to its 'mother'. Dawn even caught a glimpse of J's flat stomach, before the woman turned around swiftly - a bit too swift, for both of their tastes. Between hisses and cursing, Dawn heard a murmured "Can't you knock?", as the huntress buttoned up her new shirt. White bandages were wrapped around her head, concealing every drop of blood. She already looked much healthier than before; soon, so hoped Dawn, everything would be back to normal. And there would be no need to hold back anymore.

"So, girl!" Joy caught her attention again. She smiled. And it crept Dawn out to no end. There was definitely too much delight hovering around the nurse. "Do you know what strychnine is? Or cyanide?" As if to underline her words, Joy held up two little plastic bottles, filled with

Dawn's eyes widened in horror. Subconsciously, she took a step back, reluctant to confirm Joy's question. "Y-yes. But... I'm not into poison."

"That's alright," Joy exclaimed and now her presence returned to the ominous threat, Dawn was already used to. "But as a matter of fact, I am. And if you chose to fail at what I'm humbly asking you for, then I might decide to introduce you to my little collection. Of course, I have some pokemon poison as well. Drapion, obviously. Or Nidoking."

Dawn felt her stomach drop deeper at every word she heard and in order to stop the unwelcome experience, she blurted out, "I don't see, why I couldn't complete a little favor..." It was the wrong answer; but on the other hand, a "no" would have been even worse.

"Good." Finally, Joy returned to her serious, professional mood. "Because I want you to look after J, while she is injured. Do not leave her side and don't let her do any kind of stunt she might think of-"

"Wait, I never agreed to this!" J interrupted her suddenly and spun around, in order to storm towards them. Only, that the rotation was already enough to knock her off her feet. She fell back on the chair and rubbed the bandages.

"Well, she needs some kind of way to repay her debt, doesn't she?"

"I'll pay for the door," J pressed out, her face still tensed in a grimace. Dawn was surprised at the words, but only for a moment. It was only an attempt to get rid of the younger girl, after all. Joy nodded.

"I agree on that. Now, Dawn," she pulled out a little bag with pills inside and handed it over to the coordinator. "Make sure, J takes her medicine twice a day-"

"Joy!" J growled and jumped back on her feet.

"If you prefer to stay here, under my watch, then I won't object, J," the nurse said with an icy tone that cut off any more objections. "Although I really thought, I would do you a favor. You weren't exactly thrilled, the last time."

Within the whole argument, Dawn noticed something, she had already suspected at the very beginning. Joy radiated concern, so little and hidden behind a facade, it was almost unnoticeable. She sensed it nonetheless, even for a little moment. The intensity and kind of concern took her by surprise; it felt genuine and intimate, not the way a normal doctor felt towards a usual patient. Rather, as if they shared a deep history. And it was possible, J herself wasn't even aware of that. Her only reason to give in, was a chilly shudder of memories that ran down her spine.

"I get it. Dawn, come on," J relented and strode past the two women, straight towards the exit of the house. Dawn didn't even have time to thank Joy for the treatment, when J already stepped outside on the street. Quickly, the girl said her goodbyes and hastily followed the huntress. Pichu ran along, too and jumped straightaway on J's shoulder. She didn't even object, but rather let out a sigh of relief.

Dawn took a look at the transparent bag in her hand and couldn't help but wonder. "What did she do to you? You were terrified!"

J winced at the statement, but for once, she didn't mind answering the question. "She put me in a coma, once. As a prophylaxis of more injuries." She shrugged at Dawn's surprised expression. "My ribs had been cracked and she was certain, they would break and puncture my lungs, if I didn't stay under her watch. It's not my fault, I attract danger, is it?"

With J's profession in mind, Dawn didn't want to reply. Yet the idea of putting someone in a coma was a bit unnerving, to say the least. Fortunately, there was no need to make a comment. A Gengar, along with two Haunter appeared out of thin air and grinned at the little group. Gengar held a massage in its claws and handed it over at J. "Huh. It looks like Morty wants us stay in aplace near the Tin Tower. As guests of honor." She scanned Dawn skeptically, until it began to unnerve the girl. "You rather look like a walking disaster."

"I change tomorrow, once I get my stuff, thank you." Dawn growled and made a first step towards the direction they had originally come from. "Can we go now? Or maybe we want to wait, until Joy starts shooting narcotic darts?"

Their guided walk was short, and beside the matter of the door, both remained silent. Surprisingly, J asked Dawn about it directly. The answer was probably not the kind, J had hoped for. Far less intentional.

"I ran off to the pokemon center, but didn't take Piplup with me. So it caught up with me, right in front of the glass door, where it hit my back with an aqua jet. The rest, you can probably think of yourself."

"Your Piplup knows aqua jet?" J asked with a risen eyebrow.

"We have a variation of it..." Dawn murmured and looked at the penguin in her arms. It shot her an apologetic look, but she managed to smile back at it, encouragingly. "I wish Joy was a little more... like the rest of her family! Then I wouldn't have to pay her, or had at least more time."

"I said, I would pay for it. Your story did disappoint me, though."

That surprise made Dawn halt in her steps. What was going on, that time? J noticed her speechlessness and shrugged. "Investment. I'll explain soon enough."

Dawn's world was spinning and so she didn't argue with that offer, although she didn't enjoy the sound of it. "Well... Thank you, I guess..." Her eyes wandered to the bandage around J's head and the memory of the bruises on her back flashed before her vision. Guilt washed over her. "And thank you for saving me," she cracked a crooked smile. "You plunged me into a mess, but I am grateful, to be alive."

"About time someone said that..." J mumbled, and for a second, Dawn imagined a faint grin on her face. Then an idea formed in her head. A terrible, yet at the same time relieving idea. Maybe they did not win the battle against the ghosts and were still trapped beneath the ground. Their hypnosis attacks kept them sleeping, while they slowly drainer their energy. Like that, all those events were the results of nightmares, not reality. At least for the time being, Dawn didn't feel too opposed by that imagination.


A monk greeted them with a low bow and without further delays, he showed them their rooms. Simple, Japanese styled rooms, laid out with tatami mats a a futon already prepared. Dawn sensed, that he would have been delighted to have a chat with his guests of honor, but at the same time, he understood clearly, in what state they were in. So he vanished quietly without a sign. Dawn didn't even have the time to turn around and thank the monk.

"As a guest of honor, I expected better... Well, whether you're supposed to look after me or not, I don't want to see you at least until I woke up. So stay out of my room, alright?"

Dawn gave J a weak smile. "I don't want to see you either, in fact, the more distance we have, the better."

J nodded approvingly and after she handed Dawn over her Pichu, she slid inside and closed the door.

The mouse pokemon looked at its trainer with big, teary eyes. It wanted to return to the warm spot at J's cheek and again, Dawn found herself reacting in favor of the woman. That time, though, it was compatible to her morals, so she took the mouse, went inside her own room and let herself fall on the futon. Usually, she tried not to fall asleep in her daily clothes, but for once she didn't mind. Delighted, Piplup snuggled close to her chest and she put an arm around it. Finding sleep had never been so easy.

Later that night, though, she had to retrieve Pichu inside its pokeball. Otherwise, it would have scratched a hole in the door. How ironic.


Ach ja, ich liebe diese Anime Regel. Ärzte (vorallem weibliche) - du kannst ihnen nichts entgegen bringen, auch wenn du ein gefährlicher Pokemon hunter bist. Vergiss es :D passt doch zu Joy, oder?

Ich hoffe doch sehr, ich konnte die lange Wartezeit wenigstens etwas belohnen.

Also. Write ya next time!


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Von:  Renaki
2014-04-24T17:59:55+00:00 24.04.2014 19:59
Juhu! Endlich eine Fortsetzung! Konnte es kaum noch erwarten, was neues von dir zu lesen^^
Das Kapitel ist wirklich toll geworden und die Idee mit Joy find ich Spitze. Das Klische mit der Krankenschwester kann ich nur bestätigen^^
Bin mal gespannt wie es mit Dawn und J weiter geht. Die Beiden scheinen sich ja ein wenig näher gekommen zu sein.

LG Renaki
