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Captain Kirk, Spock, Star Trek (Film)

Autor:  ElliotAlderson

Spock Prime shows Kirk what happens, with Kahn, with the fallen Enterprise, with Spock.
He watches Spock die and he realise how important he will be for him in the future,
how important he will be for Spock, he knows what is going to happen and he refuses to accept that, he can't let that happen, not to Spock, because Spock is his everything
so he goes to the radiation core alone and wenn Spock finds him, he dies with a smile on his face
because he saved Spock

That's okay, I didn't need my feelings anyway

.headshot. - feels. feels everywhere </3

Autor:  ElliotAlderson


Hey Kym... <3

headshot cast - or: "OHMYF******FEELS </3" gifstory, headshot, Life of Pi, Nicholas Hoult, Skins (Serie), Skins UK, Souffrances, Suraj Sharma

Autor:  ElliotAlderson

Stay away from me...you...you...thing! Get out of my life! NOW!

I'm sorry...I...I just...wanted to be with you...

Why...are you staring at me like that?

Because you're beautiful...



Ah! Uhm...Kym? I think your animal is showing...


Can you feel the rain?

...yeah...and it's breaking my heart in two...

370 Days - gif story </3

Autor:  ElliotAlderson

Can't you just tell me, whats wrong with you, I mean...please?

Nate, I...I'm sorry but- ...I can't...

You know what? You're really gettin' on my nerves, fruitdwarf >_>

You just wouldn't understand...I mean...can't we just be friends like...before all that shit happened?

Gosh, I really hate you sometimes, but then...you're my best friend. I'm just fucking worried about you.

//don't cry, don't cry, don't cry//

...I gotta go...I have a course in 30mins.
If you want to talk...well, maybe I can understand more than you know.

..hey, does it makes you feel better, when I say I love you?

Yeah. A little bit.

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