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Summernights Dream

Xanatos x ??


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Giasou Malaka!

Titel: Summernights dream

Autor: Noemi Tenshi

Genre: Romance, Angst (?)

Part: 1/?

Disclaimer: I don’t own Xanatos or Star Wars or something I don’t own… .

Warnings: This is my second Star Wars Story, my second story I write in English and the first SW Story in English. So spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes are preprogrammed... . And I don’t have a beta (*hint, hint*)

Information: Xanatos did survive the thing on Telos ( he was really dumb to do something like that -.-) and is now on Naboo...


Chapter one - Giasou Malaka!

The dark, tall man left the high building with a small smile on his lips. The negotiation did go very well and they came faster to an understanding than expected. So he had the rest of the day free.

As he made his way to the hotel he resided, he saw a nice little café on his right sight between two taller buildings. It was named 'summernights dream'.

Normally he was not someone who did something impulsive but as he had nothing to do he decided to drink a cup of coffee. He choose a table in the corner on the outside of the café so that he could easily watch the whole café and the street. Sonn after he sat down came a young woman to him. The waitress.

"You desire, sir?" she asked uncertain. Surely she didn't do this job for very long. "Just a cup of coffe, please" the man said polite but dismissivly. She nodded and left for the inside. He leaned back and watched the people, who hurried the street up and down.

These close-minded people, who only had their meaningless existence and knew nothing of things that really matter. Knew nothing of the force and its ways. The ways that were so tortuous but oh, so clear. They knew nothing of this. And they were nothing.

But alas, they lived as though they were.

Soft footsteps caught his attention. The waitress had returned with his desired cup of coffee. She put it gently on the table. "One cup of coffe for you, sir" she said and glanced at him uneasily. He had something dark on him and his glance troubled her.

He raised an eyebrow and murmured a "thanks" after she quickly looked away and left again. He smirked as he was used to geting stared at because of his good looks.

A tall, slender body, a handsome face with a little imperfection in form of a fading scar of a broken circle that really wasn't an imperfection at all. Two piercing blue eyes and black shoulder-length hair which hang loose in his face.

But he didn't want to get stared at at the moment. He took the cup and nipped at the hot drink. And watched the street.

An equally young woman as the waitress came running down the street and stormed in the café. Her long, red-shimmering hair flowing behind her.

"Lyn! Lyn you wont believe what just happened!" she shouted. The waitress who served him came out.

"Katja, please. Be quiet. You disturb the guests" Katja looked sheepishly.

"Sorry. But that's just... awww!" she squieled, "I am in the service of the palast! - That's an awful lot of money I earn there!"

"Wow, that's great" Lyn said sarcastically, "Now be quiet"

"Lyn! Get back to work! I don't pay you for babbling with your friend!"

"Ok, ok" Lyn said, "Katja, sit down for a bit. I've almost finished" The she vanished in the inside.

Katja looked over the tables and saw a pair icy blue eyes fixed on her. She went to the corner and flopped in the chair besides the man.

“Hey you” the woman greeted. The man furrowed his eyebrows. “I’m Katja Bacharidou, you?”

“Xanatos” he said, unwillingness clearly in his voice.

“What are you doing here?” She didn’t seem to understand ‘subtle’ hints.

“None business of yours!” he answered stiff.

Katja took the spoon off the table and started to poking him on the cheek.

“Stop harassing the guests!” shrieked Lyn horrified.

“Don’t be so mean, Lyn”

“Out! Now!” Lyn hissed, her normally gently brown eyes glistering with fury.

“Ok...” Katja said, jumping to her feet an leaving.

“I’m so sorry sir” the waitress than said to Xanatos and inclined her head so that her brown hair hid her eyes, “She is impossible. I’m sorrry” Xanatos studied her and curled his lips to a sneer.

“I’m leaving” he announced and left the money for the coffee on the table.

A man looking more an animal than a human being stamped out of the café an barked:

“What did your stupid friend do thi time!? I told you to not bring her along if she can’t control herself!”

“I’m sorry” Lyn whispered and hurried to clean up the table.

Xanatos now didn’t catch the rest of the conversation (if there was one) for he was too far away.


That was the first chapter.

I admit, it's really short... .

Well just tell me what you think (or not).

Spiel mit mir

Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 2/?

Chapter two – Spiel mit mir (Play with me)

Spiel ein Spiel

mit mir

gib mir deine Hand und

spiel mit mir

ein Spiel

spiel mit mir

ein Spiel

spiel mit mir

weil wir alleine sind

spiel mit mir

ein Spiel

Vater Mutter Kind


Play a game

with me

give me you hand ans

play with me

a game

play with me

because we are alone

play with me

a game

father, mother, child

[© Rammstein, Spiel mit mir]

“Sweetheart, wake up!” The nanny shouted as she entered the room of her twenty-four-year-old protégée.

“You have to get up. Your father has called for you” The old woman opened the curtains and the woman lying on the bed shot her beautiful eyes open.

“What does he want now?” she asked grumpily.

“Well, you have to get to him in order to find out” snapped the nanny.

“I don’t have a choice, do I?” the woman wanted to know as she got out of the bed.

The nanny didn’t answer as she knew this was a rhetorical question and helped her getting dressed in a rich, flowing green dress.

In the moment she was presentable, she slipped out of the door and headed down the corridors to her fathers room. She knocked firmly on the door and entered.

“Ah, Essentiella. Please sit down”

“Father” Essentiella aknowledged him.

“Essentiella, I called for you because I think it is about time that you are geting married”

Married!? Her mind shrieked. But all she said was: “Ok. Whom?” Her voice betrayed no emotions.

“One lovingly rich man. You know him already” her father said, satisfied with her reaction (or lack of it), “Our new business partner is to be your husband. And the engagement is tomorrow.”

To say that Essentiella was shocked is an understatement. She had only known this man for one day. Of course she knew her whole life that she would get married to someone out of business and not because of love, but this was a little too sudden.

Her father's voice shook her out of her stupor.

“I trust you to not shame me or the family, Essentiella” he said serious, “We need this union with him.”

“Yes father. I understand. I will not shame you” she replied.

“Good. You’re excused now,” he told her.

She left.

Xanatos duCrion paced in his room pondering what just had happened. He was going to get married. He hadn’t imgained that as he came here. In fact he never imagined getting married. And soon he would be bound to a woman he didn’t know... .

Not that this would be a bad deal. The most influential family on Naboo would be bound to him. And... well, he wouldn’t have to be faithful, now would he?

He just hoped just the woman wouldn’t be dumb or overly ugly. Maybe she would be a benefit to his business if she had a certain understanding of this sort of things.

Nevertheless it unnerved him to a certain extent.

That reminded him, he needed an appropriate suit fot the engagement – and a best man. Maybe one of his employees.

So he decided to go shopping.

A half and an hour later he had purchased a beautiful dark suit which was “stunning on you” as the saleslady put it, an expensive engagement ring and a bouquet of flowers as he wanted to visit his soon- to-be wife.

But his whole body cried for rest and because he passed in this very moment the café ‘Summernights dream,’ he decided that a cup of coffee couldn’t hurt. He sat in the very same corner as the day before, at the very same table.

And, just as yesterday there came the waitress – Ryn or Lyn or whatever her name was – and asked him what he wished for.

“A coffee” he answered, exhausted.

“As you wish” she replied quietly and insecurely.

While he watched her walk away, he came to the conlusion that she sure was an amusing young woman. As she came back and put his cup of coffee shakily on the table and turned to go, he grabbed her wrist almost gently.

“Please, sit down a little and talk with me” he requested

“Wha--- I can’t, sir”

“Why not?” he asked her and tried to sound genuinely.

“Marv will be mad if I talk to someone.” Marv was no doubt the owner of the café. The man that looked more like an animal than a human being.

“Well, a little talk can’t hurt.”

“I have to work,” she contradicted.

Xanatos smiled. He had her.

“I think that doing what your customers want you to do is work.”

“Ah...” she hesitated.

“Please, sit down,” he said and tugged her gently to the seat beside him.

She did as she was told. He looked her up and down. She was a little smaller than other women her age. She had shoulder-length brown hair, two brown-greenish eyes and porcelain white skin. Her hands played with her skirt and she avoided his gaze.

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, “’bout yesterday. My friend...”

“No, I’m sorry I caused you trouble. I was a little bit down this day” Xanatos smoothly said.

“Oh – it--- it’s ok” Lyn answered, perplexed.

“Nevertheless, I would like to invite you for dinner – if you don’t have already something planned. As an apology.”

Lyn nodded absently. “No, I don’t have anything planned... but you don’t have to do this!” she finished hesitantly.

“Oh, but I want to,” Xanatos replied huskily. Lyn blushed slightly. “I’ll pick you up at...?”

“19.00 o’clock” Lyn said.

“Ok, right here?”


“Good, I must go now” Xanatos left the money as he had the day before on the table and turned to go. But he paused a second turned around and handed Lyn the nice bouquet of flowers.

“For you,” he said smirking and handing her a little money he added, “for your employer.”

Then he left.

Lyn stared bewildered after him.

What was that...?


Well, that’s chapter two.

I admit the chapters are a little little, but this way I can update almost every day ^^

Hm, let me knwo what you think and many thanks to the reviewers!

Family Portrait

Chapter 3 – Family Portrait

Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 3/17

In our family portrait we look pretty happy

We look pretty normal, let's go back to that

In our family portrait we look pretty happy

Let's play pretend, act like it goes naturally

[© Pink, Family Portrait]

Lyn stared at her wardrobe. For twenty minutes now. Katja had had enough.

“Lyn, just choose something, damn it! I’m geting tired watching you staring at the wardrobe”

“Oh, yeah? But I – unlike other persons – don’t want to go out looking like bum” she snapped.

“You look always good” yawned Katja and took her rat out of her sleeve. Then he talked to it: “I told you to not do this!” Lyn rolled her eyes.

“Lyn don’t fret and put this on” she tossed her friend a elegant, long darkblue and black dress.

“Thanks. And – you really don’t have a problem with it that I wear it?” she asked disbelievingly.

“Yes. If it makes you happy – and if you stop being such a pain in the ass”

Lyn stuck out her tounge and then hugged her friend an bounced off to the bathroom.

56 minutes later, Lyn stood nervously before the “Summernights dream” an waited for Xanatos. He came two minutes later.

“Good evening, fair lady” he greeted her.

“Good evening” she replied blushing.

“Shall we?” he rhetorically asked as he led her to the more expensive part of the city. They entered a restaurant named “Klimataria” and Lyn felt a little out of place. Everything in there was so quiet an... expensieve.

Xanatos, sensing her uneasyness, took her hand and led her to a table. A waiter immediatley appeared and handed them the menu. Then he left. After studying it a bit Lyn chose a nabooer (?) red wine and a fillet from the finest meat with noodles. Her companion also took the wine and a steak with potatoes.

Then silence fell over them.

The young woman was unsure of what to talk about and Xanatos wanted her to speak first. But as it became clear that she wouldn’t speak he started a conversation.

“Well, Lyn. I wonder... is this your home planet? Because you don’t seem to be from here”

“Uhm...no wonder. I am from Alderaan” she answered unsteadely. Xanatos supressed a sigh. Maybe it hadn’t been such a good idea to invite this woman. He then thought that it would be entertaining but it turned out to be boring.

Lyn silenced herself as she noticed that Xanatos wasn’t listening. But he was eager to keep her talking. Anything was better than silence. Even the chattering of women. So he urged her into talking again, with a little help of the force.

“My friend and I came here because we did a Work and Travel program. We had just finished school and neither her nor I felt the need to be with our family any longer. So we left” she quietly continued her tale.

Xanatos’ brows raised of their own effort. They didn’t want their families? He would give... not anything, but a great deal of things to have his family back.

“You know, Katjas father – lets just say that he isn’t quiet lovingly. And my parents have problems with the money and with my sister and me. I thought that if I’d go for a while it would be better when I returned... I hope it will be better” she finished close to tears now.

Please, don’t start crying. Xanatos thought dull I can’t stand it when people cry. It is geting on my nerves.

To his luck the waiter came with wine and food. They started eating. Suddenly Lyn desturbed the Silence in which they were enjoying their foods.

“What about you?” she asked timid.

“Me? I’m here because of business” he nonchalantly waved the question of, not wanting to go into details.

Lyn seemed to struggle with herself for a moment. Then she replied courageously:

“I meant about your family”

“My family... “ he sighed uncertain of what he should tell her. “I don’t have a family anymore” he then answered.

“God, I’m sorry” she sincerly said compasion shining in her browngreen eyes.

“Ah. It doesn’t matter anymore” he said, “Let’s talk about something else”

And so they chatted for the rest of the night of unimportant things. And Xanatos found him rather enjoying this.


Well ok here is chapter three.

I am not very happy with how Lyn is acting but I thing I’ll capture her true character soon XDD

I just need a little more time with her ^^

And Xan is acting weird too -.-

But well that could be because he is weird.

Droping dead sexy, but weird.

Sfentona (Slingshot)

Chapter four – Sfentona (Slingshot)

Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 4/17

Na megaloso ksechasa, k’ emina sto rawi

Etsi gia panta kratisa tin paidiki mou ikona,

ekino tou alitampoura pou kratage sfentona


Palie mou file gnorime, simathiti, thamona

Apopse pou wrethikame sou dino ti sfentona!


I’ve forgotten to grow up and been left unmarried

So I for always I’ve kept my childlike image

this idiot, who held the slingshot


Old friend, classmate, guest

Today where we meet I give you the slingshot.

[© Vassilis Papakonstantinos, Sfentona]

Katja stared in awe at her new place of work. A beautiful palast with deep, warm coulors, heavy curtains, long corriodors and uncountable rooms.

"Will you allready get started?" snapped someone behind her. It was her instructor. She flashed him a mocking smile.

"'Course I will" She started working. The instructor had told her to clean all the rooms up. And after that she had to help in the kitchen.

Boring was all she could think about. This job was absolutly boring. But it was well paid.

First room finished - god knows how many left.

After almost four hours she reached the last room and knocked on the door. Not waiting for an invitation she entered.

A little girl dressed like the dolls she played with was siting in the middle of the room and looking lost besides the dark, high furniture.

"Hey kid" Katja called smiling, "What are you playing?" She kneeled besides the little girl and observed the girl curious.

"Are you my new playmate?" the kid asked, hope shining in her eyes. Katja shook her head.

"Oh" the kid sounded disappointing.

Katja sighed sympathetically and took one of the many dolls.

"Hey little princess. Why are you so sad?" Katja asked with a faked voice, "'Cuz I'm going to find whoever was so mean to you and they will pay" The girl looked up with a ghostly smile on her lips. Katja thought that this was a good sign and took another doll.

"Yeah Prnicess, we're going to punisch them" Then Katja pretended the doll to hug and kiss the girl.

"So you'll play with me? Because nobody else will" she asked.

Katja nodded and soon the big room was filled with laughter.

Xanatos sat on the opposite of a beautifull green eyed woman. His future wife. Today would be the engagement party. He had gone to her earlier because he wanted to get her known. Her father was exited. So much that he left them the whole dining hall to eat for lunch and get closer.

The conversation led so far was light. Essentielle knew how to do small talk, she seemed rather intelligent and was beautiful. She was not a bad deal at all.

After they finished eating the delicious meal Xanatos sensed that Essentiella wanted to take the conversation to more serious matters. He was courious to what she wanted to say.

"Xanatos, I want to knwo what you expect of this marriage - and of me" Intelligent and direct. He liked that. And so he decided to tell her the truth - sort of.

"As you probably know your father wants my money. And I want his reputation and connections. That's what I get out of the marriage. From you I don't expect anything... as you should from me"

"No worries" she said, sounding also... bitter, "I don't" Xanatos smiled.

"You know this marriage hasn't to be unpleasant. For neither of us. I let you do what you want as long as you don't taint my reputation and you keep out of my business."

Essentiella recognized a warning when she heard one. And though the man opposides to her smiled she knew this was one.

A chilling went down her spine.

"Fine with me" she answered hoarse, her cool mask craking.This man was under all his charms and good looks deadly dangerous. Suddenly he seemed to her like a predator and she was one of his preys. But she regained herself and forced a small smile upon her face.

"That isn't going to be a problem. I am not interessted in business" He nodded satisfied."Good"

He stood up and went to her. Then he mockingly kneeled before her and presented the engagement ring.

"Do you want to marry me?" he asked smirking.

"Yes" she replied in a daze. She didn't really realize how Xanatos slipped the ring over her finger. Her mind was wandering. She was going to be bounded. She was going to surrender her freedom. And the last bit of her that still was a child.

The ring was sparkling mockingly.



What a tragic figure Essentiella is *sniggers more*

I like her.

Spiders in the night

Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 5/17

You think he's there

Beware his bite

But when you look

The spiders not in sight

[© Ozzy Osbourne, Spiders in the night]

Katja dropped next to her friend on the couch.

"I am beaten up" she announced groaning. Lyn smiled shallow.

"Me too. We had so many bithing guests... . But let's not speak about that, because I am going to explode. Tell me about your first day. How was it?"

"Tiering. I had to clean up a thousand rooms, minimum! And in one of the rooms was a sweet little girl. I called her princess and guess what? She is a Princess. Padme Nabiere" Katja rolled on her back.

"Wow... that's so unexpected. A princess in a palast" Katja ignored her friends sarcastically remarks as so often.

"Anyway. She looked so sad and lonly. So I played a little with her. Then my instructor came. And quicker than I knew it I was promoted. To the new 'playmate'. I swear this child is more tiering than anything else I know" she whinned, "She's going to drive me crazy"

"No chance" contradicted Lyn, "You are allready crazy"

"True" Katja laughed,

"Now tell me a little about this boyfriend of yours for we hadn't had a chance to speak about yesterdays date" Katja sat up.

“He’s not my boyfriend. And it wasn’t a date. We merely went out to eat something. It was meant as an apology”

“Suuuuure. I also always invite people to just ‘apologize’” her friend replied smirking, “If he’s not yet your boyfriend he is going to be. Or don’t you like him?” she asked – almost sounding hopefully.

“No. He is gorgeous” Lyn said, “And he wants to meet me again”

Katja grinned knowingly.

“See. I knew he would be your boyfriend” Then she grew serious, “Just, be careful. Ok?”

Lyn nodded. “Always”

Xanatos flopped on his bed. He was very pleased with the events of the day. His fiancée was an inteligent little thing and would most likely do what he told her to – although he sensed a slumbering fighting spirit in her. But he didn’t think that this would be a big problem.

And at the engagement party (that followed after he had proposed) he was able to get in touch with influential persons. At this rate he would have a new company in no time.

But Niref vuXobande – the father of Essentiella – concerned him a bit. The force was always restless around him. He would pay special attention to him.

And he would have to be more careful if he wanted to continue the game with the waitress – he was engaged after all.

On a planet far away stood a man and talked to a commlink.

“Somehow the gossip that you want a certain girl dead reached my ears” he said, “If this is case then I am more than willing to help”

“Why should I trust you?” replied the distorted but recognizeable voice of Niref.

“Because it wouldn’t be good for you if this gossip reached the ears of certain persons” said the man harsch, “I know that you want you daughter to become the princess of Naboo”

Silence. Then:

“How do you know this?”

“I have my ways” The man said coldly and in the same instance Niref felt a pressure upon his lounges.

“You... you’re a Jedi!” he gasped. The pressure increased.

“I am no Jedi!” the man hissed, “It would be in your interesst to keep this in mind”

“Of course” Niref squieked.

The voice of the unknown man smoothed, “I want to help you. I can help you. I see that the girl you so desire to be dead is killed and nobody accuses you. In return I want a favor. I call upon that when the time is right”

He switched his Comm of without leting Niref a chance to say anything else and turned to a much more younger man at his side.

“I trust you to kill this girl quickly and neat. I only want her killed. Draw no attention to yourself. Consider it to be a task” The young man nodded.

“As you wish master”


Pweeeh, the true evil of this story made his appereance XDDD

Ohne Liebe (without love)

Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 6/17

Er hat sie berührt

Ohne Liebe sie verführt


He has touched her

without love seduced her

[© Subway to Sally, Ohne Liebe]

“The Lady vuXobande did get engaged”

“It was about time. Who is her fiancé?”

“Some outworldler. Think he’s a rather private person. Nothing is known about him. The engagement party was rather private, too”

Xanatos duCrion rolled his exes at the womens’ behaviour. Gossip... That was something he despiced. Pure waste of time.

“Xanatos” He was called by a familiar voice of a woman. The friend of Lyn.

“Good day” he greeted her politely.

“What are you doing here?” she asked curious. Noisy he thought quiet a pain in the ass.

“I’m going to your friend” he replied.

“Ah but she has to work” contradicted Katja.

“Well, she surely has time for a little chat with me”

“Yeah. Above all if you have enough money to silence her boss” Katja winked.

“Ah, that won’t be a problem” smriked Xanatos.

Katja went closer to him – uncomfortable close. Her breath almost carressing his skin.

“If you hurt her, I’ll hurt you” she breathed. Xanatos supressed the urge to laugh outright. This girl... who did she think she was, to threaten him?

“So, go. Have fun” Katja said tesaingly – nothing of the seriousness surrounding her minutes before was seen. Xanatos flashed her a irritated smile and went to the café.

Essentiella walked through the gardens. A man with curly hair and deep brown eyes accompanied her. His name was Farrigas – the most trusted man of Niref.

“So Essentiella. How are you doing so far?” he asked her. She sighed.

“As good as a woman can do when she’s engaged with someone so... menace as duCrion”

“DuCrion... it’s strange... I don’t know anything of him. Be careful around him” Farrigas warned.

“I will” replied Essentiella.

They walked back to her room in silence. At the door Farrigas wanted to excuse himself but Essentiella begged him to come in with her.

“I have something to tell you” she said. Farrigas sighed and followed her in the room. He had a bad feeling about this.

After the door closed behind him Essentiella pressed her lips to his. Surprised he pushed her off.

“What are you doing!?” he snarled.

“Kissing you – I thought that was obvious”

“Are you crazy?”

She didn’t answer and just kissed him again – desperately.

“Please. Just once in my life I want to do what I do because I want to do it” she murmured. He barely registered it because her hands were all over his body – and her lips...


He gave in.

“No. I don’t think we should do this” said Lyn nervously.

“It’ll be fun” contradicted Xanatos, “I’m going to protect you”

“If we’re falling down you can’t protect me” she said.

“Please. Trust me”

As they sat in the vehicle Xanatos thought that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to convince her to ride the roller coaster. She shrieked as if she was murdered. Fear radiated off of her.

After the ride she was shaking and Xanatos had to support her. But she was smiling.

“That was fun. What an andrenaline ectasy”

Xanatos looked dumbfounded. Fun? That sounded...sick.

“What’s next?” He shrugged and let her decide. Lyn dragged him to a carousel. For children.

“You want to ride this?” he asked disbelievingly. She nodded. So they rode it.

“Dumb children” Lyn proclaimed as the kids gabbled with them, “Just can’t shut their mouth. They should all burn... what do you think of children?”

“I haven’t thought about that yet” he replied.

“Well I have. I want to have children”

“I thought you didn’t like children” said Xanatos.

“Well, yeah. But I wouldn’t not like my own children. Just the children of others”

The carousel came to a halt and they went to buy ice cream. After that they went to the ferris wheel. In the gondola they watched the scenery.

“Ooh. I love Naboo. It’s an awesome planet... full of life and joy. Don’t you agree?”

Xanatos blinked and looked the scenery over. And something happened. The force was pulsing brightly and surronded him.

“Beautiful” he breathed.

She nodded. Then she narrowed her eyes.

“You see this man?” she pointed to the gondola under them, “For some time now he is always near the café or in the café. Always watching. And he’s quiet unpolite. I don’t like him much. He’s scary... “

Xanatos looked over to the man. The force gave him a warning. The man was going to look up. He acted on reflex and did the first thing that came to his mind. He kissed Lyn just as the man looked to them. Lyn kissed clumsily back.


Uuh... yeah. That was chapi 6 *smilez*

Don’t know what to say to that.

Das Opfer (the sacrafice)

Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 7/17

Ich konnte das Opfer nicht töten


Du wirst mein Versagen bestrafen


Ich habe meinen Meister verraten.


I couldn’t kill the sacrifice


You’re going to punisch my failure


I have betrayed my master

[© Subway to Sally, Das Opfer]

Something wasn’t right with this Xanatos guy. Katja just didn’t know what. Besides that he was engaged with Lady vu Xobande. Pf, Lady... ! He surely played a foul game... but what game?

“Katja” the whiney voice of Padme called.

“Yes, sweety?” she replied absently.

“I have something for you” Katja focused herself on her protegée and inhaled deeply, “Wow. That’s... wow”

A man in a long black cloack wathed the very movements of the two females unpatiently waiting for an opportunity to shot the younger one. The older had to move out of the way in order to do so and be over with it. He didn’t like this planet.

And his lucky moment came. The woman moved. He smirked and he pulled the trigger. But in this moment something clashed against his arm – a rat. The shot didn’t hit the girl but the air. He cursed. Maybe not his lucky moment.

Shouting could be heard. The guard was coming. Not his lucky moment at all. He jumped to his feet an went to the room the two females were in to end his task. But the older woman held the princess in a atight embrane and shielded her.

“Out of the way” he hissed. But Katja shook her head.

“Over my dead body, bastard” she snapped and clutched something between her fingers. The present Padme gave her. It was a puppet made of glass. Beautiful. Perfekt. He let it burst as to scare the woman.

She flinshed. And slapped him. And now the guards had arrived. The man leaned closer to her and his hood slid down. She looked directly in two angry yellow eyes.

“I would like to kill you” he whispered, “I really would like that... so be careful little puppet” Then he ran.

Katja slumbed down besides Padme.

“Oh god”

The father of Padme was outraged. After he had shouted at the incompetent guards he demanded to speak with the Jedi Council.

“Master Yoda, my daughter was attacked today”

yoda sighed deeply. “Very sorry I am. Well she is, I hope?”

“As well as one could be after something like that” The King replied, “I want a Jediteam to ensure the security of my daughter!”

“Of course” Yoda nodded, “A Jediteam we will send”

“Hey, Katja? Are you there?” Lyn asked as she opened the door to their mutual appartement.

“Yeah” replied her friend, “I cooked”

“Oh no. Please, don’t make me eat it” whinned Lyn.

“Oh, shut up! Anyway do you know, what happened at the palast today?”

“Uh... I overheard some guests talking about someone attemting a murder or so..”

“Well I did see the murderer. He was only inches from me apart” Katja narrated.

“WHAT!?” shrieked Lyn.

“Yeah. He’s some strange guy. Has tatoos all over him... and the scariest eyes I’ve ever seen. Wanted to kill the princess, but didn’t sucees. And now some Jedi will come to ensure security” Katja said in a rush.

Lyn made here and there a sound of incredulity.Then they ate in silence.

Katja observed her friend who semed much more carefree since she was with Xanatos... befriended... . But Xanatos had a finaceé. And that was going to hurt Lyn. But maybe it was better to tell her now rather then let her find out when she’s grown more attached to him... or in love with him.

She drew in a deep breath.

“Lyn I have something important to say. About Xanatos” she started. Lyn stared at her.

“What did you do? Kiss him?” she joked.

“No. Not me anyway” replied Katja.


“Lyn, sweety. Xanatos has a finaceé” Katja said sighing. She didn’t want to hurt her friend like that. But Lyn had a right to know. She needed to know.

“He... he can’t...”

“Apperantly, he can. Her name is Essentiella vuXobande. A peer”

“But... he... we had so much fun... and... he kissed me” Lyn said desperatly, “Why did he do this if he’s engaged?”

“I don’t know” Katja hugged her friend.

“That son of a bitch!” Tears leaked out of Lyns eyes. Her friend nodded.

“Yeah, some son of a bitch he is!”


Well yeah, Katja you’re right. But that’s why we all love him ^^


Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 8/17

There's a time that will come

When the kitchen is sunny and

There's just no other place I'd like to be

And everything's gone and

My finger is longer

I never want to come down again

[© Adam Green, Drugs]

“Why did you not contact me immediately after your failure?” hissed the voice of a old man through the commlink.

“I’m sorry, Matser. I didn’t have a chance to”

“Excuses!” his Master saidlosing his temper, “Tell me, Darth Maul. What is difficult in killing a unprotected, defensless child? Now the Jedi are coming you imbecile! And we don’t want the Jedi to know about us... not yet!”


“Silence! You are going to kill this child without catching the Jedi attention”

“Yes Master”

The two Jedi observed the area.

“I sense some turbulences in the force” the indifferent voice of Siri Tachi said. Her Matser nodded.

“A dark presence resides here. We have to be careful, Padawan”

Katja walked with Padme down the streets. The young princess wanted out so out they did go. An elegant woman came towards them. Padme tugged on Katjas skirt.

“Hey, this is Essi. Can I go to her? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease” she asked.

“’Course you can” replied Katja. Padme ran to “Essi” and played with her.

“You’re new Nanny?” asked the woman as Katja approched.

“Well, yeah” said Katja, “I’m Katja Bacharidou”

“Nice to meet you. My name’s Essentiella vuXobande” Katja narrowed her eyes.

“VuXobande, eh?” she asked coldly, “You not happen to be the fiancée of Xanatos duCrion?”

”As a matter of fact, I am” said Essentiella stiffly.

“You knwo, what your finacé did?” Katja asked outraged, “He befriended with Lyn tough he’s with you. That broke her heart!” YOU broke her heart!”

“Listen to me little ingenue. I didn’t do anything to you stupid friend. I don’t even know her. If she’s that dense and falls in love with someone like Xanatos I can’t help her. Just know that it wasn’t my decision to made to be his fiancée... . Oh and the wedding is in five days. Your friend and you are heartily invited” the woman snarled and strode away.

Katja grabbed Padmes tiny hand and walked angrily in the direction. And bumped in a tall woman.

“Sorry” she mumbled absently.

“No harm done” the woman convinced her, “but do you know, how to find the palast?”

“Course. I work there. And what’s your buissness there?” she chatted, forgetting about Essentiella vuXobande. The two strangers exchanged glances. Then the older one spoke:

“We’re the Jedi”

“Woha. That’s cool. Now you can protect the little princess here and me” Katja exclaimed.

“Oh. That’s the princess?” the younger one spoke.

“Yes I am” chirped Padme, “And you are Jedi... were you in many battles?” Siri smiled and talked to the child about Jedi.

Meanwhile Katja talked with the Jedi Master.

“I’m her nanny. What’s your names anyway?”

“My name’s Adi Galia and this is Siri Tachi my Padawan”

“I am Katja Bacharidou. I’m here on a work and travel programm with my friend Lyn Papageorgiou” she sighed as she thought about her friend.

“Your friend--- is she ok?”

“No. But she will be... anyway what do you think of Naboo? It’s a marvelous planet isn’t it?”

Adi Galia smiled. “Indeed it is” They went to the palast talking abot this and that.

Lyn didn’t go to work this day. She couldn’t have handled it if she would see this... liar again. Again tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn’t understand why he did, what he did. She’s fallen in love with him... he had so easily broken through her defences. And it was all an act. He just wanted to have some fun. Asshole!

So she lurced to the mirror and sighed inwardly. She looked like death himself. So she went to the bathroom and washed herself. Then she looked respectable again. She sighed and decided to go to work. After all the money didn’t just earned itself. She put on make-up and went out.


Ok, a little pointless chappi. Not much action. But I promise that chappi 9 is going to be a lot of action.

Fear of the Dark

Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 9/17

And When the light begins to change

I sometimes feel a little strange

A little anxious when it's dark

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark

I have a constant fear that something's

always near

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark

I have a phobia that someone's

always there

[© Iron Maiden, Fear of the dark]

Essentiella walked in the gardens. She had to talk to Xanatos about this “girlfriend” of his or whatever she was. If her father knew...! And she hat to let him know of her decission about the best man.

It would be Farrigas.

More than fitting she thought. And there came the man of the hour.

“Xanatos” she hurried to him. “I need to speak to you”

“As you wish. What is it?” he asked careful. He sensed that this was about something bad.

“Well today a young woman came to me. She shouted at me. About how my fiancé is a liar and hurt her friend. Tell me, what did you do to her... with her?” she asked.

“None of you business” he replied, brows furrowed.

He hurt her? How?

“It doesn’t interest me anyway. Just pay attention to your surroundings. My father has surelysome man set up to watch you every step. It would be bad for your friend if it would be known that you had something with her” she warned, “Ok. And our best man is going to be Farrigas, ok”

“Fine with me” he shrugged.

Lyn awoke shuddering. The man always watching her had caught her and anesthetized her. Currently she was sitting in a van – tied up and gagged. And she was afraid. Very afraid.

“Hey sleeping beauty... I see you woke up. I’m sorry that there’s no prince waiting for you but just a cold dark cell” he laughed barking. She wanted to spit in his face.

A new wave of sleepiness rolled over her.

The next time she woke up she found herself as psomised in a cold and dark cell. Her feet and hands lay in chains. Fear rushed through her. Frantically she teared at the chains. Aprubtly the door to her cell was pusched open. Ste stopped tearing and looked paralized with fear at the man entering.

“Hello sleeping beauty” hr grinned, “We’re going to have much fun together. Just you and me... and some scientists” At this Lyn was asking herself, what he meant. First she thought he spoke about rape, but... as more men with strange looking maschines came in it was clear what was going to happen to her. She was going to be a experimented with.

“Please... please no” she begged, “What did I do? I didn’t do anything... please!”

“Shut your mouth, bitch” said the man and hit her. Blackness surounded her again. And the next hours, days? She only remembered bits and pieces. Much pain was involved. And voices. Many voices. Sometimes she saw white cloaks. White cloaks with red stains... like blood. Her blood. Again pain. And darkness.

Katja was walking home from a long and tiering day. The Jedi asked many questions. And they were always around. Not that it was bothering her. She liked them. They were surprisingly fun. But their presence reminded her of the slumbering danger. Speaking of danger... .

A fist slammed into her shoulder. She shriecked, but her mouth was quickly covered with a gloved hand.

“Don’t make a sound, puppet” Speaking of danger indeed.

It was the strange man who attacked the princess.

“I want the princess dead. And you are going to help me” he demanded, “Just take care of the Jedi. I don’t wanz them near as I... take care of the princess. Have we an understanding?”

Katja nodded mutely.

“Good, puppet. I hope you don’t plan to surprise me anyhow?” As to confimr his warning he kissed her brutally in no romantical but threatening way. Then he vanished. Katja felt fear creeping up.


Whoooo. I love the sun.


Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 10/17

I feel guilty

my words are empty

no signs to give you

I don´t have the time for you

[© The Rasmus, Guilty]

Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Master Qui-Gong Jinn stood befor the jedi council. Mace Windu was speaking.

"We decided to send you to Naboo" Qui-Gong furrowed his brows. A Master Padawan Team was already there. Why send another one? His Padawan was voicing this thoughts.

Master Yoda sighed deeply.

"The true you speak. But great danger we sense - darkness is lurking. For certainty you two will go and help Master Adi Galla and her Padawan, you will. Careful you must be. Very careful"

Qui-Ging nodded. Then Mace filled them in with information.

Back in their chamber Obi-Wan asked: "Do you think a dark Jedi is the cause of this?"

"Why do you think so Padawan?"

"Master Yoda spoke of darkness, so..."

"So you thought immediately of a dark Jedi" finished Qui-Gong, "But there are more forms of darkness"

Obi-Wan nodded, unsatisfied. His Master hadn't answered his question.

Qui-Gong was concerned. What he said to his Padawan was true. There were more menace forms of darkness. And he had a feeling that one of those were behind everything.

Katja was sick with worry. Lyn wasn't home. And apparently she didn't go to work either. So either she had done something stupid (quiet possible, because of her current state) or something has happened to her. Maybe she just wanted a day off or something.

Who was she kidding? Lyn didn't just take a day off without leaving at least a note. So she decided to search her.

Half an hour later she was before the "summernights dream" She had searched all places she knew her friend liked. But she wasn't anywhere. Numbly she sat on a table and ordered a coffee.

A person sat herself opposites to her. She looked up.

"You! What do you want!?" she wanted to know, furious. Essentiella spoke hastily.

"Your friend. The one who was with Xanatos. My father imprisoned her because of that"

"What?" hissed Katja.

"He didn't want duCrion to fall in love with her and cancel the wedding. She's currently in our dungeons. I just wanted you to know" Essentiella stood up.

"Wait" shouted Katja, "Why don't you help her?"

"I can't" she broke free of the iron grip Katja had her in and left.

Katja was under shock. She didn't know, what to do. She knew, what she wanted to do. She wawnted to storm to the residenze of this vuXobande and get her friend the hell out of there (and kill whoever stood in her way).

But she couldn't do that. It would be a miracle if she could get near the mansion without being noticed let alone enter it.

Ah, but she could tell the Jedi and they could go in there an wreck havoc. She just hoped that Lyn wouldn't be abused... . But she didn't believe it. If they had kidnapped her they would go farther... .

God, Lyn. I'm sorry!

She payed and went to search the Jedi. As she strode down the street she saw a familiar figure walking in an allyway. She ran to him and grabed his cloak.

"Xanatos! You son of a bitch!" she hissed through clenched teeth. He spun around.

"Oh you. What is it you want, Missi?" he asked.

"You just had to break her heart, hadn't you? Asshole! Why did you do it? If you hadn't then maybe she wouldn't be..." Katja choked. Xanatos raised an eyebrow.

"I broke her heart?"

"You are engaged" snarled Katja.

Understanding dawned.

"Well. Yes, I am"

"You don't even deny it?" she asked disbelievingly, "You asshole! And to think because of you she's now..." She interrupted herself and slapped him.

"What did happen because of me?" he asked courious.

"Th vuXobandes happened!" snapped Katja and wanted to slap him again. But he grabbed her hand.

"Missi, if you don't want serious problems I'd suggest you to leave" He strode away.

Katja huffes and went mumbling to herself to the palast. The Jedi were there and the assassin were there. He was hiding but she saw him - due to the fact that he wanted her to. Nervously she greeted the Jedi and Padme. She played a bit with the princess and then let her play alone with the dolls and went to the Jedi.

"I have to talk to you about something" she whispered, "without Padme hearing it"

"We can't leave her alone" contradicted Adi Galla.

"Please. Just a moment" Katja was anxious. As the Jedi sensed that they gave in. But Siri couldn't ignore the feeling that she was up to no good.

"Princess, sweety. I've to talk to the Jedi 'bout something. We're right back" They went away. Katja started speakinh.

"I... I have a friend... Lyn- And she has been kidnapped" Adi and Siri exchanged looks.

"Lord vuXobande he... he ordered this..." Katja silenced herself as she heard Padme shrieking. Adi had a look of disappointment in her face.

"You lied to us"

"No, I swear..."

"We have no time for this" said Adi and hurried to the princess - of whom she thought had few chances to still be alive. But a surprise awaited her.


Well that was it again.

Vollmond (Fullmoon)

Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 11/17

Komm schließ die Augen, glaube mir

Wir werden fliegen über’s Meer

Ich bin nach deiner Liebe so krank

Die sich an meinem Blut betrank


Come close your eyes, trust me

We will be flying over the sea

I am onto your love so sick

Which has drunken itself on my blood

[© In Extremo, Vollmond]

Qui-Gong Jinn and Obi-Wan had appeared and the assassin had vanished. The Jedi greeted one another. Katja sighed and craddled the child in her arms. Adi Galia gave her attention to Katja.

“Siri’s not right. I don’t think you lied about your friend. But you mislead us – distracted us so that this menance type could kill the defnsless child” she said frosty.

“How much did he pay you?” asked Siri disgusted.

“I didn’t... he threatend me!” shouted Katja angry, “What could I have done?”

“You could have said something!”

“I couldn’t! He was there! He had killed me. Maybe you have no problem with dying but I have! I have to help my friend. I have to be there for here as she would be for me!”

“And you would have sacrificed a little child?”

“Yes! To save my friend I would sacrificed the whole damn planet! If you had friends you would understand me!”

Siri wanted to say some not so nice things to her but Adi Galia laid her hand on her shoulder and shook her head.

“I understand. We will help you to rescue your friend”

Xanatos walked through the mansion vuXobande as though it was his. He had decided to believe this crazy woman – Katja (though first he was a little angered with her. To speak in such a manner to him) and check the dungeon for a trace of Lyn.

In the dungeon he send the guards a little ‘suggestion’ to bring him to Lyn. They resisted at first but their defences were easily broken. He was lead to Lyns cell.

As the door opened he caught the smell of blood and fear. He saw Lyn hanging deadlike in chains, her hair and her cloths torn, her face and body battered. There was a thing conected to her head no doubt to pain her.

Fear washed over him. He didn’t want her to be dead. He touched her with the force and was relieved to sense she was still aslive – barely. So he opened the chains and disconected the thing from her head and got off.

Back in his quarters he laid her on his bed. Her life force was getting weaker and he didn’t know what to do. But he had to do something – quick. He closed his eyes tiredly and suddenly he got a solution. Bright shining in the force.

The force itself could help her. It was long ago he last reached the force to use it for healing but strangely it was just as easy as then. He touched Lyn lightly and send her in a healing sleep. The force did its task.

Slowly her situation stabilized and after several hours she regained consciousness. She was irritated to see the foreign room and to not feel any pain.

“Where am I?” she anted to know. Xanatos sighed. What to tell? He decided to answer playfull.

“I rescued you. Aren’t you happy?”

She looked at him in shock.

“Why should I be happy to be in the company of a liar who hurt me more then my captores had done? She replied emotionless.

Wrong tactic thought Xanatos.

“It was not my intention to hurt you” said the man.

“Then what was you intention? I mean... you are engaged but still you went out with another woman. Made her compliments... kissed her...” she aspirated.

“I... I felt drawn to you. From the moment I saw you. First I wanted nice company... but with time I...” he broke up, unsure of what to say.

“You what? You got feelings for me? Don’t make me laugh! You have a fiancée”

“Yes I do” Lyn turned away from him. Why did he have to keep hurting her? He gently forced her to look at him.

“But I don’t love her. We both get benefits out of the marriage. It has nothing to do with love. I don’t feel anything for her. But you... “ he broke up as he saw that she was silently crying. She desperately wanted to believe him but she didn’t dare.

“As I saw you in the cell... I thought you dead. And the mere thought of that was driving me crazy. I couldn’t bear it. Just then I realized that I have feelings for you... – Maybe I love you even...” he whispered.

“How can you not know if you love me?” she asked softly. He smiled bitterly.

“It was a long time ago I last loved somebody. I forgot how it feels”

“How can you forget something so beautiful as love?” asked Lyn quietly.

“The ones I loved betrayed me. I hadn’t loved since then. I didn’t even want to remember how love was” he replied, anger temporarly twisting his features. Then he stood up.

“You can go take a shower in my bath. If you want. Here are towels and you can wear a shirt from me”

She thanked him and went to shower.

Meanwhile Xanatos let himself sink to the bed. This woman was bringing his emotions upside down. He felt good in her presence. He couldn’t stand to see her sad. And most surprisingly he could use the light side of the force again – without giving the dark side up.

But what was he going to do with his fiancée? He could cancel the wedding but it wouldn’t be a smart thing to do... businesslike considered. On the other hand he didn’t want to drive Lyn away now that he knew she was... good for him. What to do?he asked himself over and over again.

He was so deep in thoughts that he didn’t sense Lyn finishing the showering and going to him until two gentle arms sneaked their way around him and he found himselff in a hesitantly embrance. Lyn waited anxiously and uncertain of a response for she feared rejection.

But her ebrance was returned by two strong arms and she felt better then ever.

“If love is to want to be near a person, to protect them ans see them smile and never want to let them got. If it gives one the feeling of being coplete and if it calms one... then I love you” he whispered.

She wanted to answer but he didn’t let her as he kissed her. And then there was only bliss.


Geeze so much fluff *brr* I need a little chocolate now to cheer me up.

Zu spät (too late)

Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 12/17

Der Zeiger läuft und kommt nie an,

Gebietet mir nach festem Plan.

Was ich auch tu er geht und geht

Und tickt: zu spät, zu spät, zu spät!


The needle goes and doesn’t arrive

Comand me after a strict plan.

What I do soever it goes and goes

And tics: too late, too late, too late!

[© Subway to Sally, Zu spät]

“Xanatos?” Qui-Gong asked bewildered after Katja finished her story. “Xanatos duCrion?”

“Yeah. I think that’s his name. Why?” Katjja asked. Qui-Gongs emotions were in trouble.

“Excuse me please” he stood up and went away.

“What’s his problem? Who is Xanatos?” Obi-Wan sighed.

“Xanatos, he’s Qui-Gongs first Apprentice. A very promising Apprentice. But he... turned dark. Betrayed my Master and the Jedi Order. He attempted to murder my Master and I. At Telos there were a final battle in which he dove into a pool of acid and died. Well, we thought he died”

Qui-Gong returned.

“Again, I’m sorry. Anyway you said she’s being held capitative in the residence vuXobande? I think we should speak with his Lord himself about this... if you agree Master Galia”

“It’s a good enough plan. But Siri and I have to stay here by the princess. You and Obi-Wan go and help the girl” Adi said.

“And I?” asked Katja, “What do I do?”

“You are the princess. You are the princess’ nanny. Ou stay here with us” replied Siri stiff – she was still irritated about the incident.

“But I can’t just sit back and do nothing!” Qui-Gong laid a calming hand on her shoulder.

“We knwo that you want to help Lyn. But the princess needs you just as much. Obi-Wan and I have many experience with such situations. We know how to handle it. We’ll tell your friend that you wanted to come. But you have to stay. It’s for the best” Katja looked unhappy.

“We all have to do thhings we don’t want to do. But we have to” Katja nodded.

“I know. But I don’t like it. So go help my friend” she said.

Darth Maul switched the comm on. The voice of Darth Sidious echoed through the room:

“My pupil. Again you have dissapointed me”


“Silence! Your impudence will be punished. Consider your task as failed and leave the planet. Then you’ll recieve your punishment. We don’t want to happen something like that again, now will we?”

Said person shuddered. His Masters punishments were by no means enjoyable--- - But he would do what he was told to.

“You wished for an audience” Lord vuXobande asked, arroganze surrounding him, “I’d like to now what I could do for two servants of peace”

Obi-Wan grimaced. This man had to hide a lot. The force was screaming that he was untruthful.

“We are very grateful that you could arrange it ti hear us out” said Qui-Gong and boomed. “Well for justice and peace I’ve always time”

“Good. Then maybe you could help us. We heard word, that a young woman is held capitative in your dungeons”

The Lord stood up and shouted: “Are you implying I kidnapped her?”

“Of course not, my Lord. We merely want to check the dungeons. Only for security meisures”

Lord vuXobande was beyond nervous. If he id let the Jedi in his dungeon it would be inevitable that they found the little bitch. But if he didn’t this would raise their suspiccions and they would mind trick him in leting them in his dungeons.

He was screwed.

But maybe he could distract them... somehow.

“Well, follow me then”

They went to the dungeons. The guard there looked rather nervously. He bowed deeply.

“These Jedi came here in search of a young woman. If you could let them have a look in the cells...” The guard nodded and gestured to the cells.

“Go, have a look” The Jedi went off.

“My Lord. About the girl. She... ah vanished!”

“What!? And when had you intended to tell me!?” hissed the Lord.

“I’m sorry, my...”

”Shut up” The Lord began to smirk. It was not that bad at all that the girl wasn’t there anymore. But... .

“You go to Farrigas and tell him about you failure”

“Yes, my Lord” the terrified guard said and wanted to leave.

“Wait. Not yet. After the Jedi leave”

Qui-Gong and Obi-wan inspekted the cells. The most were empty. But not all. The prisoners were old men women... . No young woman named Lyn was found. Obi-Wan sensed in a a rather large cell darkness.

“Master... behind these door...” Qui-Gong went to Obi-Wan and nodded.

“Something dark happened here. Let’s get in” They opened the door and inhaled their breath sharply. There were many bloodstains old and new. Maschines, used to inflict pain were all over the place. And although there wasn’t anyone currently there, the Jedi could feel fear and pain as vivid as in currently there, the Jedi could feel fear and pain as vivid as in the moment the victim felt it.

“Oh force...” Qui-Gong mumbled.

“Master, do you think that they put her in there? Just because she was with... Xanatos? Do you think... he himself has a hand in this?” Obi-Wan asked timid.

“I don’t know Apprentice. I think she was here... but about Xanatos... I don’t know what his intentions are...”

“I hope Lyn is on a safe place” Obi-Wan said.

They went back to the Lord. Catching his emotions Qui-Gong replied:

”I think she is. At least she’s not in the reach of the Lord anymore”

“Did you find your faith Lady?” asked the Lord.

“No. We’re sorry that we caused you problems”

“Ah. As I said before I am happy to be of help for the knights of peace and justice” Obi-Wan raised his eyebrow.

Sure he was... .


I am currently sitting with friends and we’ve to do sth. For school... well... I’m not.

Ego Brain

Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 13/17

You see my pain is real

Watch a world disolve

And pretend

That none of see the fall

As I turn to sand

You took me by the hand

And decleared

That love prevails over all.

[© System of a Down, Ego Brain]

Xanatos sat on a chair watching Lyn sleeping. A slight smile tugged on his lips. But in his eyes were worry. Worry about many things.

What to do with his fiancée and Lyn was one of his main concerns. He didn’t want to make Lyn unhappy – not again. But he didn’t want to lose the connections he gained through Lady cuXobande either.

Lyn was stirring. Slowly she came to full consciousness. Again she first wondered about the softness of the bed. But the events of earlier came to her mind. The rescue and then... she blushed deeply. Xanatos and she had had sex

She wanted to snuggle closer ro him, but besides her was a blank spot. He had left... . He had betrayed her... again – were her first thoughts. But then she looked over the room and saw the man sitting on a chair deep in thoughts. Lyn smiled and went out of the bed, the blanket covering her. Although the man had seen her naked, she felt akward.

“Good... afternoon” she whispered, afraid she might disturb him. He looked up.

“Afternoon” he said not really looking at her. Lyn became nervous. Obviously Xanatos had some worries. Maybe he regretted saving her or bringing her there. She lowered herself to his level.

“Xan... what is bothering you?” she asked concerned. He sighed and pulled her in his lap. Then he leaned his head against her shoulderblade.

“I don’t know what to do” he said truthfully, “about Essentiella”- Lyn tensed – “Don’t worry. I spoke the truth as I said that I don’t love her... . But I would like to have the conections which I gained through her”

She nodded and startet to play with his hair.

“Well, you could socalize with the vuXobandes to stabilize your connections” she suggested.

“I could. But... don’t you have a problem with that?” he asked, sensing distress coming from her.

“No. It’s just that... I am concerned about your wellfare...”

He smiled. “Don’t worry. I can watch myself very well. After all, nothing has happened to me as I rescued you, did it?”

“Hm. True, my... hero in shining armor” she answered. His smile vanished and he began brooding again. She let him be, spending comfort with her presence. After a while, Xanatos began speaking quietly: “I’m no knight in shining armor. Maybe once I was... but not anymore”

Lyn listened carefully.

“Once I was a Jedi. The best youngling at the temple... . Qui-Gong Jinn took me as his Apprentice. He saw me as a son and I him as... a father” - the last bit was whispered, almost unbelievingly spoken – “He became my family”

Lyn’s eyes sadened at his expression.

“Something happened” she guessed, “something bad”

Xanatos nodded.

“Yes... The council decided that I was to take a final test before my trials to become a Jedi Knight. They send us to my home planet, Telos. You must know, normaly the children don’t remember their previous home. Nor their parents”

“That’s awful” Lyn interrupted him – then blushed.

“Well, for them, it isn’t. They are to young to remember. And the Jedi become their new family. But I did remember. And as we got to Telos and I met my father... I got thoughts of remorse.... to replace my father with Qui-Gong... My father smiled at me and spoiled me the time I was there. I realized what I could have had. I had much fun with my father and every time he got sad about me leaving I got angry at the Jedi for denying me this.

“In the meantime Qui-Gong discovered that my father had planed to manipulate the elections and start a war. He told me this, but I didn’t believe himanymore. I’ve lost my faith in the Jedi. I thought Qui-Gong was jealouse of my father... although it was the other way around. It came to war. And I, eager to please my father, lead his army. Qui-Gong lead the rebellion. As he saw me he was angry with me... and disappointed. But that I didn’t realize then. I thought he did this out of jeaulousy. He fought against me and I felt betrayed.

He... killed my father. His ring fell into the flames. I took it... and I pressed it to my cheek... And I... all I felt was a never ending hate for Qui-Gong. I drew my lightsabre against him. I fell to the dark side. I embraced it and hated... and hated. I wanted to avenge my father... and myself. I killed many in the process. I destroyed thousands of lifes... . I am no knight in shining armour. Not in the slightes. I am a monster”

Selfloathing clearly heared in his voice he told his tale – for the first time he told it to someone without twisting details. It hurt. He hadn’t imagined it to hurt so much. He thought he accepted it. Lyn kissed his scar, lovingly.

“You are no monster. A monster wouldn’t tell his story. It wouldn’t feel remorse. It wouldn’t feel... love”

“...Lyn. You need to know that I am no good man. I could start raving mad anytime. I fell to the darkness. It is within me”

“But if you fall you can stand up again. And you did stand up, didn’t you?”

“I suppose” he said slowly, “But I didn’t have any contact with the Jedi... with my past” explained Xanatos, “I faked my death to have peace... because my master was hunting me. And now there here and... feel my presence again as I feel his... and something darker than I was is lurking something menace”

Lyn embraced the desperate man who had done many things that cannot be undone... and seen many things never to be forgotten.

“Don’t worry so much. You just live once. And you should start enjoying it!”

“How can I when I fear for the person I... love” He looked at her full of worries.

“We’re going to watch out for each other. As you I am not going to let some mere Jedi do something to the person I love” she said serious.

He laughed lightly. Her trust in him and the determination to protect him made him feel good.

“Do not laugh mister!”

He kissed her and effectivly shut her up about whatever she wanted to say next.


Aw. Again fluff... It’s the weather... it makes me sentimental I swear.

Well and Xanatos is pretty much out of character... I know.

But let’s just say he has grown up.

No more hormonal rush.

Das Tuch ( the kerchief)

Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 14/17

Dreh dich um und sie wird wandern,

von der einen Hand zur andern!

Sie wird nie dein Eigen sein,

nie besitzt du sie allein.

Kaum bist du dem Blick entschwunden,

hat sie schon Ersatz gefunden!

Sie wird nie alleine, niemals treu

und du nie sicher sein!


Turn around and she will wander

From the one hand to the other!

She will never be yours

Never will you own her alone.

Barely you left the view

She has found another!

She will never be alone, never faithful

And you will never be sure!

[© Schandmaul, Das Tuch]

Qui-Gong and Obi-Wan went to the café to decide what to do next.

“I don’t trust this Lord, Master... he was nervous” Obi-Wan exclaimed.

“I know, Apprentice”

“And what are we doing now?”

“We must tell Adi and Siri”

So they went to the palast. After they told the women what happened Katja was outraged.

“They tortured Lyn!? How could they? Why didn’t you do something? ANYTHING!?” she asked the Jedi.

“We couldn’t. Not without proof”

“You... how could you!?” Keeper of peace and justice... MY ASS” She stormed of.

“Master... she’s going to do something stupid” Siri said, “So shouldn’t we follow her?”

“No. I think she needs time for herself” replied Adi.

Katja stormed angrily the streets down. They led her to a park. She sat down by a fountain and the anger left her leaving desperation and fear for her friend.

“Hey sweet Lady. You look like you could need some cheering up” exclaimed a voice behind her.

“Fuck off” she mumbled.

“Now, now. That’s no need to behave that way” The speaker sat besides her.

“This is how you want to cheer me up? In annoying me?”

“No. I thought I could convince you to go to some café or so. We could drink something, loosen up a bit... and then I would kiss you senseless” he smiled winnigly.

“How bout skipping the date and got to the kissin?” Katja asked, smirking.

“Ok. By the way, I am Farrigas”

“Nice. I’m Katja”

And then there was no more speaking. For a long time. This was definitly cheering up!



“I have to speak with Katja”

“Your crazy friend?” asked Xanatos before he could stop himself. Lyn chuckled.

“Yeah. She’s sure worried sick”

“Well. Then let me finish and then let’s go”

“You’re coming with me?”

“Sure. I dont’t want another episode with Lord vuXobande...” answered Xanatos.

And so off they went.

“Excuse me!” A highpitched, angry voice interrupted Katjas snogging session.

“What is it?” she snapped.

“Could you stop making out on a public place!?”

Farrigas stood up.

“Excuse me. But who died and made you a police officer?” he asked sneering.Something about him made the old woman pale.

“I’m sorry sir. I didn’t... I’m so sorry” she hurried away.

“She’s mental” stated Katja.

“Well either that or she realized that I’m Lord vuXobandes most trusted servant. And one doesn’t cross the vuXobandes” he smirked.

Katjas eyes got so big Farrigas feared they’d pop out.

“You...you don’t happen to know a girl named Lyn... caged in vuXobandes dungeon?”

Farrigas expression turned to surprise for a split second before it changed back to his indiferent mask. But Katja saw the slip.

“You do. You asshole!”

“Don’t” Farrigas said.

“No. You knew there was a girl a being held capitative... being tortured!”

“That’s life, isn’t it?”

“Shut up!” shrieked Katja.

“Careful If you keep this attitude you’ll find yourself besides your friend”

“Fuck you” spat Katja.

“So... no snogging anymore?” he asked causaly.

“No. Not with you anyway” And with that said she stalked off. Then she came back.

“Why did you do it?”

“What are you? My psychologist?”

“Tell you what. You tell me why you did it and we can go back to snogging”

“Well I must be an extraordinare kisser...”

Katja sneered.

“Well, I get orders. I fulfill them. That’s my job” he said.


Katja kissed him. Eventually she stopped.

“I’ve got to go now” she excused herself.

“Are we going to... repeat todays event?”

“Dunno?” she said, grinned and went home, still in a semigood mood.


Well that was short.

A short insight in Katjas psyche... .

Was it for you as funny as for me?


Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 15/17

I stand in front of you

I'll take the force of the blow


[© Everything but the girl , Protection]

“She’s not here” stated Xan. He and Lyn had gone to their flat.

“So do we wait here?”

“Yeah... but let me speak, because she doesn’t like you very much”

“I’ve noticed” drawled Xanatos and told her of the episode where Katja has slapped him. Lyn smiled knowingly.

“That sounds just like her”

Before Xanatos could reply the door opened. Katja entered and upon seeing Lyn, squealed. Then Lyn found herself in a bone-crushing hug.

“I’m so happy you’re ok. I feared they... they murdered you or something!”

“Well... they did some nasty things” her voice cracked and she shuddered.

“I’m sorry, Lyn. I left you alone in the state you were in... I shouldn’t...” Katja said gouiltyly.

“It’s ok. Don’t blame yourself!” Lyn shook her friend forcefully.

Xanatos decided to make an appereance in this moment.

“Actually I am to blame” he said.

“What is he doing here” hissed Katja and got protectivly in front of her friend.

“Ah... uhm... well...” Lyn said blushing.

“We’re a couple” said Xanatos as if this were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Riiiight. What are you playing at, asshole?”

“Nothing. Can’t a man love your friend wothout second thoughts?”

Lyn sighed. This was so predictable. The two persons who she loved disliked each other.

“A man? Yes. You? No”

“Katja please... Mi me to xalasis tora. Se parakalo. (Don’t destroy this now. I beg you)” pleaded Lyn. Katja sighed and looked unhppy.

“Ok. But only cuz you are asking”

“S’efxristo (Thank you). So I’ll go mke some coffee”

Katja smirked as Lyn left the room.

“Ok sweety, I’m warning you! If you hurt her again I’m going to seperate you from some very important parts of your body...” She meant every word, Xanatos knew. Tough he would be offended any other time he wasn’t now.

Before he could response Lyn returned.

“Had a nice talk?” she asked grinning.

“Yeah, pretty much” replied Katja.

They sat down and the two friends filled each other in with what happened the last days.

“Oh, we should tell the Jedi ‘thank you’” exclaimed Katja.

Xanatos tensed.

Lyn shot him a resureing glanve.

“You go and do this... and please refrain froom mentioning Xan” pleaded Lyn.

Katja nodded.

“But you’ll tell my why later”

“Ok... ah, I’m coming with you” changed Lyn her mind.

“I’m going to the vuXobandes” said Xan.

“Ok, be careful”

Smirk. “Of course, you too”

A chased kiss and Xanatos vanished.

“Well... he’s not so bad after all. But don’t tell him I said that” Katja said.


Well... I love how Katja is acting towards Xan ^^

the time of my life

Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 16/17

Now I've had the time of my life

No I never felt like this before

Yes I swear it's the truth

and I owe it all to you

[©Bill Medley, (I’ve Had) The Time Of My Life)]

“Ah, Katja... and who’s your friend?” greeted Adi the red-headed woman.

“This is Lyn”

“Uh... hi?” Lyn said feeling a little bit lost between all these strangers.

“We are happy to see you well” said Qui-Gong smiling.

Lyn didn’t like him.

“Well no thanks to you” she mumbled.

“If we may be so bold... who rscued you?”

“How do you know it wasn’t the Lord himself who let me free?”

“He was too nervous. He feared we would find you”

“An angel” said Lyn.

“Excuse me?” said Qui-Gong.

“You wanted to know who rescued me. An angl did” she smiled.

“Ah... what an angel he is” mumbled Katja with raised eyebrow.

“Shut up” hissed Lyn.

Adi smiled at the girls playful antics.

“Ah. Do you want to üpress charges against the vuXobandes?” asked Siri concerned.

Obi-Wan had told her what they had found in the dungeons.

“Uh... I thinkk I’m first gonna talk this through with X... my angel” she said.

“Why? Do you need his permission?” asked Katja snidely.

Lyn rolled her eyes.

“And you? You go and snog my cap...”

“He’s not!” Katja stuck out her tounge.


“Is not”


“Err – who are you talking about?” asked Siri.

“Nobody” chorused the girls together.

“Ah. I’ve got to go” said Lyn.

“Don’t wanna leave you angel, do you?” smirked Katja.

“Don’t shut up, do you?” replied Lyn.

After a quick hug she went off.

Lyn entered Xanatos appartement. Xanatos sat on his table and searched through papers.

“Hey Xan” He looked up.


“What are you doing”

“Nothing of interest... how was the meeting with the Jedi?” he asked, sneering.

“Uh... it went well... I think.... well they asked if I wanted to press charges.... what do you think?”

Xanatos thought quickly. It wouldn’t be bad at all... he wanted to break with this family and this was a good opportunity without losing too much of his dignity.

“You should do it. But we should keep quiet that we saw each pther before... the dungeon. If that’s allright with you” he said.


Katja was bored. She had a princess to look after and two Jedi with whom she could speak but she was bored to death. And she thanked god that she could finally call it a day. So she walked home and passed on the way ‘summernights dream’.

The proprietary stormed out as he saw her.

“YOU! Where is your friend!?” But he didn’t let her answer, “Doesn’t matter. Tell her she’s fired!”

Katja raised her eyebrow and continued walking.

“Hey readhead” A hand landed on her shoulder.

“Farrigas. Fancy meeting you here” she said.

“You’re in for another snogging session?”

“DO you have emotional instability or something?”

“Considering the job I have it’s quiet possible, why?”

”No reason” she shrugged and granted his wish.

“How may I help you?” a bored looking man asked. Lyn and Xanatos were at the police station.

“This Lady wants to press charges against Lord vuXobande. He captured her and tortured her” Xanatos said.

Lyn thanked him silently because she was a little bit afraid of telling a stranger the story. The man started to laugh.

“You must be joking” he gasped.

“On the contrary. I’m dead serious. I freed her” he said coldly, blue eyes blazing.

The police officer gulped.

“Ok... tell me about it”

And so Lyn and Xanatos told him about it.

“Do you think they’ll going to do something about vuXobande?”

Xanatos shrugged.

“Probably not straight away. But I think they will”

Lyn wanted to reply but a shout interrupted her.

“Xanatos! Lyn, get away from him!”

Xanatos froze.

Obi-Wan drew his lightsabre.

“Xan? What’s going on?”

“That’s the apprentice of my former Master” he said through gritted teeth.

Lyn laid a calming hand on his arm.

“Don’t do anything rash” she said quietly.

He nodded slowly.

“I wouldn’t” he said.

Obi-Wan was confused and irritated at being ignored.

“What did you do to Lyn?” he demanded to know.

“He didn’t do anything” Lyn said.

“Let us go”

They walked away but now Qui-Gong was blocking their way.


Well so the confrontation of Qui and Xani took at last place ^^

Happy End (?)

Title: summernights dream

Author: Noemi Tenshi

Timeframe: After JA 8

Characters: Xanatos, OC's, Jedis, Sith,...

Genre: Romance, Angst (?), Adventure

Summary: Xanatos faked his death at Telos. Now he is on Naboo...

Part: 17/17

“Xanatos” Qui-Gong breathed unbelievingly.

Xanatos eyes narrowed.

“Hello” he said causaly.

Obi-Wan stood besides his Master.

“What is it you want, Jedi?” Xanatos asked after a staring contest. Qui-Gong blinked then looked at Lyn.

“What do you want with this Lady?” I hope you don’t intent to ise her for your sick manipulation games?”

Xanatos squeezed briefly Lyns hand then replied: “This is no concern of yours what I do with her”

“Well, I make it my concern if you seduce innocent people into the dark ways” Qui-Gong said.

Lyn had to supress a giggle at te word ‘seduce’. Then she grew serious.

“Matser Jedi, I think I can decide for myself if I want to be seduced or not”

Xanatos smirked.

“You heard what te Lady said. And you respect her wishes I trust?” he said.

Then the pair went away.

“Lyn! Lyn!” a voice shouted. Katja stormed to them. “Lyn you are fired” she said not very tactful.

“Wha---- oh f*ck”

“Yeah... oh hi Xani” Katja greeted the scowling man.

“Don’t call me that”

“Oh fine. Don’t want to offend you do I?”

Lyn rolled her eyes.

“By the way. We had an encounter with the Jedi...” and Lyn told her friend all about it.

Katja in turn told her about Farrigas.

“But he’s boring me” she said sighing.

“Allready?” Lyn asked.

Then they giggled.

Xanatos smiled slightly.

They walked, the girls chatting and Xanatos as a silent observer. They agreed that Lyn would sleep by Xanatos. So the two went to his appartement.

“Thank you” Xanatos said.

Lyn was a little confused but replied smiling: “You’re welcome” Though I would like to know why she thought.

For dimming my anger. Xanatos silently answered her unasked question.

“What should I do know, that I am fired?” Lyn asked.

“Xan shrugged.

“We’ll find something for you, wont we?”

She grinned.

“We will”


Ok this was the last chapter of summernights dream. Uhm... I knwo there are a lot unsolved issues like Xanatos and the Jedi, Lyn without a job, Katja without a boyfriend... but the threat of the Sith is solved.... X has someone at his side, Katja... well she has fun and Lyn is fired from summernights dream so it has to end. Maybe I’ll write a sequel...




Kommentare zu dieser Fanfic (8)

Kommentar schreiben
Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von: abgemeldet
2006-12-06T22:17:47+00:00 06.12.2006 23:17
schätzili, du bist einfach die beste...

besser als ich alle mal und besser als so manch anderer...

ich finds toll und freu mich schon auf meine hochzeit... btw, samu hat seine charakterzüge sowie die verwendung seines namens gestattet.

grüsslis deine katja
Von: abgemeldet
2006-09-04T02:37:53+00:00 04.09.2006 04:37
Palpatine und sein Schülerin sind auch hier?
Das ist gut ^^
Keep going!
Von: abgemeldet
2006-09-04T00:02:40+00:00 04.09.2006 02:02
Katja ist ein nettes Mädchen (vorlaut zwar, aber ziemlich nett).
Aber das Kapitel ging eher um Essi, nich?
Der Schluss war etwas depressiv...
Xani hat sich total InChara benommen (sprich: wie ein Ar***)
Aber nun so mögen wir ihn ^.~
Ich hoffe es kommt bald das nächste Kapitel.
Bis dann
Von: abgemeldet
2006-09-04T00:00:18+00:00 04.09.2006 02:00
Der Anfang war typisch Frau *denkt an sich und muss noch mehr lachen*
Ich brauche auch immer ewig, bis ich etwas zum anziehen gefunden habe... allerdings jeden Tag.
Naja, das Gespräch zwischen Xani und Lyn verlief ja nicht so toll...
Der Gute war ziemlich schnell gelangweilt...
Ich geh mal schnell weiter lesen.
Von: abgemeldet
2006-09-03T23:58:15+00:00 04.09.2006 01:58
well... Essentiella... interessant.
Sie benimmt sich etwas wie eine verwöhnte 8 Jährige und dann ganz abrupt ist sie wieder total erwachsen.
Scheint als würde uns da noch etwas erwarten... .
Xani benimmt sich etwas eigenartig... er lädt Lyn ein, obwohl sich nicht sonderlich von Interesse für ihn ist... oder etwa doch?
Und wenn, wieso?
(DOch bitte nicht Liebe auf den ersten Blick)
Von: abgemeldet
2006-09-03T23:54:59+00:00 04.09.2006 01:54
Interessanter Anfang.
Sagt aber noch zu wenig aus, als dass ich mir ein Urteil bilden könnte.
Klingt aber gut... .
Ist das ne Self-Insert?
Von: abgemeldet
2006-09-03T23:30:21+00:00 04.09.2006 01:30
hey, da du dir heraus genommen hast, ein wenig über meinen kopf hinweg zu entscheiden...(doesn`t matter)... ich muss dennoch sagen, es ist dir gelungen, die seelen der charaktere in diesen wenigen handlungen einzufangen und somit zu verdeutlichen... ich glaube, du hast sehr sehr vieles zwischen die zeilen geschrieben... ist mir am telefon garnicht so aufgefallen, aber nun, da ich es selbst lesen konnte und... ich bin einfach malwieder begeistert von dir
ach ja und... CHACKA!!! Quani will be with you...!
nja, und du weisst ja... sein sohn kann viele gestalten annehmen, doch bei heilung des sohnes in meinem kopf wird der wahre immer bleiben... scheiss schizos!
leebs greezale , das kadi
Von: abgemeldet
2006-04-27T14:41:32+00:00 27.04.2006 16:41
Hey das erste Kapitel ist dir ja schonmal ziemlich gut gelungen.
Allerdings hast du gegen Schluss einige Rechtschreibfehler... .
Man kann noch nicht viel über die eigentliche Story schreiben... ist ja kaum was passiert.
Na ja ich hoffe du lädst bald Kapitel 2 hoch.
